
Some Scenes...From The Week

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that there's is very little, on this earth, that's more mind-numbingly-beautiful than stone. It's indisputable friends. It's just lovely beyond compare, unfairly lovely even.

I want marble chairs, travertine tables, quartz walls, a lapis bed (just kidding on that last one...maybe). I want to rip out every surface of my house and sheath it the stuff, taste, restraint, and logic be damned. I want to move into the stone yard.

I might need an intervention. Just sayin'.


  1. Josyln, I am curious what you're seeing as the next wave in stone countertops - heavy pattern or more homogenous? Certain colors?

    I love stone, too. Our entire living room and dining room were designed around a marble inlay coffee table I bought several years ago! Ha! When it's love, it's love, right? :)

  2. I agree. The stone is beautiful! Love your other recent posts also. Lots of great stuff with character.

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  4. You are right. It is perfect. I yearn for marble topped table with metal legs. Why wouldn't you?
