
Some Scenes From The Weekend... Millie's (Very) Belated Birthday Edition

As evidenced by this "weekend" post, I'm a bit behind the proverbial eight ball of late on pretty much, well, everything -- email inbox, to do list, email, voice mail, I can't even respond to texts in a timely manner (my best friend actually texted me yesterday to inquire if I was alive...sad).

But most shameful is the fact that we finally officially celebrated Millie's 7th birthday this past weekend... a full, wait for it, six weeks after the fact.

Lucky for me, the overnight hotel stay with her BFF thrilled her so immensely that there's a very good chance this whole incident will never even come up with her future therapist 20 years from now.

Here's hoping.


  1. Perhaps 20 years from now she'll just remember fondly the early birthday party she spent in Paris...

  2. second floor dweller -- good point!!!

  3. The photos reminded me of the fun associated with jumping on beds as a child! Where is a trampoline now when I need it? That would be so fun and I love their outfits! Charming. Happy Birthday to Ms Millie!
