
Some Scenes... From The Week

On the heels of a big install last week (photos 2-5) the weekend was a low-key, recovery-mode enterprise... The hubs and I eked out a date night involving tacos and The Wolf of Wall Street (holy debauchery Batman), I plowed through my magazines on an inspiration-gathering mission, Bryan pulled out the instruments, and Millie and I celebrated the blissful weather by making ample use of the swing set.


Hope your weekend was splendid!

1 comment:

  1. Love 'World of Interiors'...I download it onto my iPad. I laughed at your comment on The Wolf of Wall Street. I went to see it with my 22 year old daughter..she said afterwards that perhaps it was not the best movie to see with her mother, I had to agree. Wow and Wow..hold debauchery Batman is right!
