
This Is (Actually) 40...

And the lead up to the big day (yesterday) was filled with all manner of hilarity. Relatively speaking...

First there was the wicked stomach flu that hit me late Wednesday night, rendering me totally out of commission for the better part of two days. (Really there are no words friends, I haven't been that sick since I got food poisoning at age nine due to some shady shrimp). When I finally rejoined the land of the living, we were greeted with a massive ice storm (a.k.a. ice-ageddon) which effectively shut down the city, leaving all us Texas folk wondering how the hell to, you know, get through any basic daily task -- well, at least the adults... The kids, of course, were alright, romping about in the icy goodness, sleuthing out any semblance of an incline, in an attempt to execute their best Shaun White impression. During one particular act of daring do, Millie, being, well, Millie, landed flat on her face and busted open her lip, causing it to swell to Jocelyn Wildenstein-like proportions. Good times.

Cut to Friday night (are you tired yet?), and we're slowly car-sledding our way toward Nutcracker performance number one of four the girls were scheduled to perform in over the weekend (the last one is in a couple of hours), my sad stomach and Millie's lip explosion be damned. Let's just say the whole enterprise was a cluster. I mean really, all we could do was laugh.

But with the clarity of a single day, I can honestly say all that mayhem was a good thing. I mean let's face it...I'd set a pretty high bar for this birthday, what with the whole trying to become a perfect person experiment and all. (What was I thinking?) I was due for a dose of reality. And the reality is sometimes (ok, oftentimes) life is messy, kludgy, frustrating, downright disappointing. You just have to keep rolling through -- chin up, wits about you, spirits as high as they can possibly be.

Here's the thing: turning 40 turned out to be a little hard than I thought it would be. I talked a good game in the months leading up, but lying in bed early yesterday morning I'm not gonna lie, I felt old. A little sad even. But then I sucked it up and reminded myself that with the old (ok, ok, older) there's the wiser, the cooler, the more confident, the less neurotic, the just generally chilled out. But most important, there's the perspective. As shameful as it is for me to admit, I'm not sure I would have been so laissez-faire about the events of the past four days in my 30s, and I know I wouldn't have been in my 20s (let's just say I was not my best self in my 20s).

So here's to 40 (and laissez-faire and que sera sera) and, with it, the ability to ride the wave, no matter how gnarly it gets.


  1. Im right behind you (just turned 36) and Im not looking forward to any more birthdays. I didn't even celebrate my latest.

  2. Happy Birthday, Joslyn! I felt so much of that, too, when I turned 40 and it took me by surprise because I thought I'd breeze right on through it! So much for that. You will be the kind of 40-something woman who is elegant and sophisticated and regal and very pulled together. Oh wait, you already are! Yay for Joslyn!

  3. With age comes wisdom, right? Or at least the clarity to see life in its good, its bad and its hilarity. Happy birthday :)

  4. happy birthday! thank you for being so honest about your feelings. you are really amazing, talented and inspired, and i often look forward to seeing what you choose to share with us in your blog. i know these feelings will pass. it's great you are in touch with them. it makes life so much richer when we connect to ourselves with our truth. much love and light to you!

  5. You're entering your forties with a very generous amount of grace. Glad to see you were able to see the silver lining, despite the anxieties that come along with aging. Welcome to the better half of your life. Happy birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday!

    We tend to put more weight to these age numbers... from what i've been reading on your blog you have a spectacular interesting and exciting life...

    happy happy birthday, beautiful!


  7. Happy Birthday!!
    I hope you get a bit of time for yourself to celebrate and treat yourself.

  8. Happy happy 40th Joslyn! it does get easier, i promise! hope it's a great year for you. :)

  9. Happy Birthday! Cheers to perspective and to loving yourself.

  10. Happy Birthday! You're beautiful' you're healthy and all is well! Celebrate in style...here's to the wisdom ....& now look at the upside and perks....it's an opportunity of saying to some younger version.....age before beauty in long lines ....lol

  11. 40 is the new 30 and I am ahead of you! So, just go for it my friend...u r stunning in so many ways. Age is not a number but how u feel inside. Happy Bday xo

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Happy Birthday! I turn 40 next August and am in the midst of copying you to be my better self by that time. You are inspirational and I hope I get to my 40th with as much grace and wisdom as you have.
    Any way, 40 isn't really old these days is it? And they say it's when life begins....

  14. happy, happy birthday joslyn! thanks for always keeping it real and resorting to laughing is always the best outcome. xoxo, molly

  15. What an awesome post. Happy Birthday!! Thank you for gifting all of your blog readers with this wonderful space --- consistently filled wit, wisdom, beauty and truth. You're an inspiration!

  16. Happy birthday, Joslyn! I'm a long time reader (in my late 20's) and am thankful for the insight you share here in this space of your's!

  17. happy birthday, joslyn! xoxo joanna

  18. Happy Birthday!
    As a soon to be 48 year old I can honestly say that your 40s are good years.
    Lemon water in mornings, white wine in the evenings, perfect bookends to fulfilling days.

    All best wishes to you.

  19. Happy Birthday Joslyn! It might not have turned out as planned, but it sounds like you handled it with grace -->HELLO 40. I'm in my 30's, still single, and shortly after my birthday in October I tried online dating (and found a psycho) and tried to jump back into marathon training (only to find out that I have weak joints and pre-arthritis and should swim instead of run).....so I too will try to handle the unecpected with more grace:)

    I also just want to say that even though your might be like "WHAT WAS I THINKING?" with the Almost 40 Project, I think you had some awesome take-a-ways. Let go that it didn't go as structured - I happen to love structure....marathon training!...and my therapist is always guiding me towards being more flexible. You inspired me to drink 32 oz. of water in the morning and do dry body brushing and jump rope. I looked forward to your tidbits of knowledge because we all want to be the best versions of ourselves. Keep riding the wave.

  20. happy birthday!
    oh no...40's are quite fabulous! and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, including yourself!! :))

  21. Happy Birthday, Joslyn. Your blog offers a breath of fresh air, art, humor, and honesty. A nomad in Connecticut appreciates your candor, artistic eye, and style. Enjoy your holidays and this new chapter.
