
Oui Paris (Or Why We're Dialing Back on The Christmas This Year)

I am a fan of the Christmas. Big time.

I like the decorating and the baking and the present exchanging. I like making big elaborate meals, picking out a hulking tree (and decorating the monster), and wrapping gifts till my finger ache. Hot cocoa, peppermint taffy, advent calendars, class parties, shopping, cookie decorating, garland, lights, endless Bing Crosby tunes? Yes to all. And, yet, (you knew there was going to be a yet) I've always wanted to, well, not do all of it one year.

The dream wasn't to ditch Christmas per se, rather, ever since I was a teenager (I was a weird teenager), I've had this idea in the back of my head that one year, in lieu of all the holiday brouhaha, I'd pack up my (then fictitious) family and get out of dodge. We'd steal away for the holiday, forgoing the tree and gifts and whatnot in favor of adventure and togetherness.

We'll friends, it's happening. Next week, my little family of four is skipping town, embarking on a 10-day trip to, yep, (as you probably guessed from the post title) Paris.


For 10 whole days!!!

We'll be Louvreing and d 'Orsaying and Centre Pompidouing our hearts away, stuffing our bellies with croque monsieurs and macaroons and all manner of stinky cheese. Sure, to make this whole extravaganza possible we nixed all other holiday bells and whistles (save the scant bits of festive featured in those photos above). But I figure it's a small price to pay for adventure and togetherness.

And I'm thinking on Christmas maybe we'll cruise over to the Eiffel tower... After all, it sort of looks like a really big tree, yes?


  1. I am so jealous! Your girls will be exposed to an additional touch of culture that's not available here and have sparkly fun, too.

    I'm planning on a three week trip to Paris next September. 10 days with an architecture group and a week to wander on my own. But September 2012 is a long ways off.

    Happy packing!

  2. What the heck? "September 2012" was suppose to be "September 2014". Dang! I need more coffee! Dreary weather mucks up my brain cells.

  3. Envy is my name. Hope and pray that you all have a lovely enjoyable time.

  4. Sounds like the perfect Christmas! Have fun!

  5. Have a fabulous tome. Paris is my favourite city. Visited many times. The Marais is a fabulous area to visit - find the Florence finkelstein Bakery, the best falafel in Paris, beautiful ribbons at Entree des Fournisseurs and a host of other amazing shops in beautiful surroundings. Canal St Martin is worth a visit, you can also take boat trips there and the best food markets include rue Richard Lenoir in the 12th and the Rue Monge on Sundays. The Christmas windows in Galeries Lafayette are a must....oh I could suggest so much more. I have a few hints on my blog.

    Recent programme on BBC about patisserie highlighted all the best places in Paris

  6. We visited Paris with our girls a couple of summers back. A trip they still talk about. So worth the sacrifices needed to make it happen! Bon voyage et joyeux noel.

  7. Nobody does Christmas like the Europeans--I like the Italian way best, but the Parisians didn't disappoint a few years back. Your girls are so lucky--you'll have a fabulous time!

  8. What an amazing experience to give your girls! And yourself! I'm sure that Christmas in Paris is just magical.

  9. What a wonderful idea. Perhaps we will bump into you at a museum or cafe.
    Heading there with my hubby on Wednesday.
    Have fun Joslyn. Merry Christmas.

  10. I am so excited for y'all!!! Can't wait to see pictures!!! Bon voyage!!!

  11. Whoo hoo!!!! Crepes with Nutella, don't forget! Yay, Jossie! Have a blast. J'taime.

  12. Oh, oh, oh , oh!!! Joslyn, I'm so excited for you and your family! Those girls (and you and Bryan, of course) are going to treasure those memories forever. Our family did a similar thing for a couple of Christmases. We went to Greece one year (such a treat) and then dialed it back a bit and visited Dallas as a sort of prep for our eventual move to the area. Tell Paris I said bonjour!!

  13. Quelle coïncidence! We are also in Paris for Christmas - woohoo. I hope you're having a blast - even with la pluie :) Annie x
