
Loving...( The Packing for Paris Edition)

It will likely come as no surprise to hear that I've been thinking about what to pack for Paris pretty much non-stop for the past three months... It might, however, be a smidge surprising that we depart in the morning and I haven't started packing yet(!!). Clearly, I'm in trouble.

In the week or so leading up to this trip, I've been talking big game about my packing nonchalance, "Oh I'm just going to throw some blazers and sweaters and black jeans into a bag and call it a day." (See, I'm practicing my "Parisian" already.) But my internal monologue is really more like, "Holy shit, I have no freaking clue what I'm going take on this trip."

It's not that I don't have a smattering of perfectly acceptable options for mid-winter European travel (i.e. those aforementioned blazers and sweaters and black jeans), it's just that none of my options seem, well, cool enough for Paris. (I hold the Parisian fashion ideal in seriously high regard friends. It is, for me, an insurmountably high bar.)

Parisian women are at once totally undone and supremely elegant. They have the "cool factor" in spades, and it's not easily emulated (you know, like how applying makeup that looks like you're wearing no makeup is the hardest thing to pull off). And it's this seemingly unattainable cool factor that makes an otherwise stunningly average on 99.9% of the population combination of, say, jeans and a t-shirt look, on a Parisian woman, like the chicest outfit of. all. time. (Need proof? Witness the parade of French chic in the photos above.)

So here's the plan. I'm getting in the mood, summonsing my French muses -- I've turned on some Carla Bruni tunes, poured a big glass of vino, imagined myself smoking, randomly yelled "Merde" a few times... I'm in the zone people.

Here's hoping it rubs off on my sweaters. Wish me luck.


  1. Scarves, they all wear beautifully elegant scarves in the most creative ways.

  2. Yes, some Parisian women are cool. About o.5% of the city by my reckoning. If you want to see what French women really dress like - take a trip out to the provinces. They look like the rest of us. But: Parisian women don't care about what anyone else looks like so you could walk around with your head on fire and they would still ignore you. By the by, we're getting cold winds and rain here in Europe so make sure you have a good waterproof with you. Enjoy Galeries Lafayette!

  3. I am laughing at Annie's comment, but really, it's true. I know I would be in the same dilemma if I was traveling to Paris right now, but really, just bring a waterproof jacket plus shoes you can walk in. Otherwise, black jeans and things you can layer should cover it. Bring a scarf, but you can always find a lovely French one while you're there. Bring a bag that you can wear cross-body and also that you wouldn't be devastated were it to be lost or stolen. Boring, I know, but practical.

  4. I-N-S-O-U-C-I-A-N-T is the word... :) What do I know - I have never visited Paris. Enjoy, Joslyn!

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  6. I did the same thing when we took our kids to Paris 2 years ago...I think you'll be fine, you've got such great style :) We're off to Italy this summer and now I'm worrying about what to wear there! Enjoy your trip, the girls will have so much fun!
