
To Gallery Wall or Not To Gallery Wall?

Image via Scott Schuman

I'm a gallery wall girl. I like them; I utilize them -- in my house, in other people's houses -- and, yet, I'm possibly...maybe...perhaps... experiencing a bit of gallery wall fatigue of late. Gallery wall ennui if you will.

I can't help but feel that the blogosphere/pinterest/FYNCT is contributing to said ennui, and it makes me sad. I don't like how quickly things start to seem overplayed due to the interwebs. (See: cowhides, disco balls, antlers, glass bell jars, succulents... all of which currently reside in my home.) I like loving things for the long haul. (How's that for eloquence?)

So my spirits were bolstered when, while tooling around on the interwebs (of course I was), I came across the above image on The Sartoralist's instagram from the Gagosian Gallery's Avedon exhibit. It is a major gallery wall, all salon style goodness, a seemingly overplayed trend executed to perfection, making the whole enterprise feel totally fresh all over again.

That, friends, is how it's done.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I am a long time fan of gallery walls - especially in my home! I think the trick is to love what you love without regard to its popular following. And since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery (and since you're a trend setter) consider it a compliment that everyone is copying your style!!! :)
