
Some Scenes...

I am happy to report that my weekend mojo is slowly creeping back... No, there were no museum visits, and we still had the whole volleyball/nutcracker merry go round. Oh and Audrey was struck with her second bout of strep throat in as many weeks. But somehow amid all that we still managed a pretty rejuvenating past couple of days.

The game changer was my newly instituted "do nothing" Sunday. Yes, I realize this isn't a novel idea (see: Sabbath); however, somehow I'm only just now just cluing in to the whole "day of rest" enterprise. Apparently I'm slow on the uptake.

So I spent Saturday shuttling, cheering, play date arranging, folding, watering, cooking, schlepping, hauling, et al. And then on Sunday I read. Full stop. I read long-format magazines articles, I read short-format magazine articles, I read a few chapters in a long-neglected book. It was a veritable feast-o-reading. It was productive non-work. And man it felt good. 


  1. I so need to do better at this too. I can't remember the last time I read during the day. That is not a good thing.

  2. Sounds my kind of weekend...love all your pics and playing a game that I often do...my favourites, 3 & 6 speak to me..thankyou! ;)

  3. A perfect type of weekend in my opinion. Love the photos!

  4. I am cracking up at "see: Sabbath"!! Love the lazy Sunday idea - so refreshing! Hope Audrey is better.
