
Some Scenes...

It was a bit of a whirlwind weekend. I've been racing around town like mad in anticipation of a bit install I'm doing today (my first since joining Swoon), and I can safely say that I've never shopped more in the span of three days. Pillows, and rugs, and consoles. Oh My. (Yes, I realize it's a nice problem to have.) The upside of all this procuring is the fact that it's reinforcing that little mantra that I always seem to come back to:

Only buy what you really, really love friends; And less of it; And ideally the best. possible. quality. (which, yes, usually means the most expensive). You won't regret it, I promise.

After all the buying, we hit the road late Friday afternoon for a quick jaunt to Austin where we recharged with tacos at Guero's, hippie chick sandwiches at Shady Grove, healthy servings of Amy's ice cream, and some good old fashioned bonding with my bestie from college (i.e. goodness).

Hope your weekend was splendid friends.


  1. hmmm, looks like i have some catching up with you to do my dear!

  2. Oooh, looks like I've got some catching up with you my dear!
