
Some Scenes...

We've got a motley assortment of "scenes" this week friends...  Like say a snap of some styling for a magazine shoot, a pretty plate wall spotted while out shopping for a project, some shots from the epic 20-foot long, multi-layer fringe garland that we made at the studio for a client, and a few corners waiting for guests to descend on them at the little tequila and tamales shindig we threw for Lucia's to celebrate her opening...

But the best scenes, by far, are of Millie holding baby Wil. Sam's brand new, utterly and completely perfect in every. single. way. baby. I am in love with that little man. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my. Big, BIG hugs to Sam, Brett, and precious Wil!! I cannot even imagine the bliss they must be experiencing.
