

Photo Elizabeth Lavin for D Moms

I'm not a big coveter. I tend to be satisfied with my lot in life, immensely happy about it even. Gratitude is my gig (or at least I try awfully hard for it to be). Yet, every once in a while the green monster rears his ugly head.

Like, say, earlier this year when I was shooting my lovely and amazing friend Annika for D Momsand she pulled out the (insanely gorgeous) collection of Hermès scarves that her mother had handed down to her over the years. Holy hell, the beauty... I may have even blacked out for a second.

Friends, I was jealous. Do not pass go; do not collect $200.

The home of Japanese interior designer Yasumichi Morita via The Selby

Ever since witnessing Annika's trove of Hermès, I've harbored a secret fantasy of some long-lost relative contacting me out of the blue to tell me that they've been amassing Hermès scarves their entire life and can't go on another day without bequeathing them to me. Once in my possession, I swiftly take the booty to the framer to work up some action similar to what Emilia de Poret and Yasumichi Morita have going above.

A snap of the Hermes design studio by Brigitte Lacombe for the Wall Street Journal

And since we're fantasizing... As the whole scene unfolds, I also miraculously adopt the insanely chic but totally effortless stance of the trio of  Hermès silk-studio employees above. (What is it about French girls that they can make a black sweater + jeans look like the most brilliant outfit of. all. time.??)

Given the odds of the fantasy actually occurring (very, very low), I've been madly searching less expensive alternatives to the trove-o- Hermès. So far Liberty is proving the best alternative with their excellent selection of printed scarves. While admittedly still pricey, they're a bit more attainable + they boast a groovier boho vibe that reminds me of what design duo Wary Meyers has going on in their own abode.



  1. Hahaha what a great post! The green monster gets all of us every now and then. I love what they did with the Hermes scarves in the above photos- now if I could only do the same, at least I can wish! I love your selections, especially the first one!

    Simply Akshara

  2. This post is hilarious!! Oh la la, those scarves are pretty fabulous. I would feel the same but love Liberty, too. Hope to see your Liberty collection appearing on the blog, soon.

  3. This post cracks me up! I have a fantasy prone personality that, now as an adult, I've tried to reign in, but a girl can dream. Dream big or go home. I love that you're not afraid to admit to a little envy. It's only human! Hell, I'm jealous too and I haven't even seen her collection.
