
Some Scenes...

I'm going to skip the whole "from the weekend" on this set of scenes, as the images above are really a motley assortment from my past seven days. There are a few snaps from the girlies' summer camp fun at the museum, a smattering of behind the scenes pics from D Moms shoots for our fall issue (thank you Oil & Cotton), and a peek at the beginnings of Janet's brilliant transformation of Audrey's bedroom (also for the fall D Moms) featuring some Flavor Paper, Banquet, Read Between The Lines, and Wisteria action. 

In terms of my actual weekend, it was largely an exercise in physical humility. I subjected myself to an acid peel late last week for a piece I'm doing, and, as a result, Saturday and Sunday were pretty much flake/swollen/red-o-rama 2013. It was a smidge frightening (mostly for the girls) and more than a smidge comical (mostly for Bryan). Good times.

As if molting weren't enough (I know, I know, I can't complain, I brought it on myself + glorious skin awaits me on the other side, right? right??), I also tripped down my front walk on Sunday which left me with all manner of scrapes, cuts, and contusions on my shins and hands. (I'm thinking all that hiding out due to the aforementioned peel threw me off my game, I stepped outside and totally lost my ability to, you know, walk.)

At any rate, all was well by Monday. I was sufficiently bandaged (9 band-aides from the knees down) and feeling sprightly, my physical mishaps all but forgotten. That is until mid-way through a meeting when a colleague leaned over and asked if I'd had a rough weekend. "Why?" I asked. "Do I look tired?" (I wasn't.) "Hung over?" (Also wasn't.) "No," she responded gazing down at my band-aid covered legs and then up at my still slightly swollen and red face..."You look like you've been in a car accident!"

Oy vey.

But my skin is going to look awesome...At least that's what I'm going with.


  1. Oh my...sounds so very similar to my last few days. The war between myself and the boat...leave it to the boat in round one.

    Better days ahead of you and your glorious skin! Your post made me smile, thank you! Happy 4th!

  2. Oh my goodness. Glad you're ok! What a pain though!

  3. I am glad to see this post. Thanks for this great share!


  4. yikes! acid peels scare me - let us know how it turns out!!

    ps-check out my James Jeans giveaway!
