
Loving (Girl Crush Edition)

Let's partake in a little girl crushing, shall we? First up, my lovely and amazing friend Christine and her rather awesome "Style Story" over on the (also lovely and amazing) Hilary's new site.

Next up Julia Restoin Roitfeld on Into The Gloss. I've told you of my love for her mama Carine. Julia: Just as cool. Full stop. Also cool, Julia's genius site Romy and The Bunnies. If you are not familiar, I would highly recommend a peek...

Then there's the matter of photographer Rachel Chandler Guinness at her wedding as seen in Vogue (and every single detail of said wedding for that matter). Holy girl crush. 

And how about designer Magda Berliner on Tales of Endearment. Total laid-back, California-chill girl crush, yes?

Last but not least, feast your eyes on the supremely cool Sophie Buhai's Closet Visit. (Jeana, I'm so happy to see another installment...just saying.)

1 comment:

  1. I love a girl crush. I think this comes from my teen years and wanting to be like characters off tv programmes. They are the best type of adoration. Totally non stalkerish of course! Sometimes i'm surprised at my girl crush inspirations. Looking forward to checking out one yours i haven't 'met' ;)
