
Some Scenes From The Weekend...

The weekend was filled with all manner of festive happenings. We celebrated Bryan's birthday with a family Mediterranean feast on Friday, during which I ate my body wight in hummus. I spent an altogether glorious Sunday at the Nasher with my lovely friend Lucia where we helped littles create mini Christo and Giacometti- inspired works of art at The Great Create (an utterly awesome family fundraiser that D Moms was involved in). And, to cap things off, the girlies had their dance recital last night, and, really, what's sweeter than a gaggle of 4-9 year-old girls sporting tutus and twirling around...

And, yet, despite the hummus and the tulle and the soul nourishing art making, I'm feeling decidedly in a funk. Melancholy, uninspired, generally Bluesville, USA. I had planned to analyze the potential factors behind my lack of mojo here on the blog, but as I was gearing up get all navel gazey and what not, Millie burst in and excitedly declared that she had just "thought of something really crazy," and "did I want to hear it?"

Ummm...Yes! 100%, totally and unequivocally yes. Do tell Millster.

She went on to say that she couldn't stop thinking about what would have happened if instead of  "Life of Pi" it was "Life of Pie" and said pie was floating around in the ocean, little bits of crust and filling falling off into the water, before being totally gobbled up by the Lion.

To which I responded, "Yes, that would have been totally crazy...and it would have been a much, much shorter movie."

Then she asked me if she could have some candy and ran off to the kitchen.

That kid's brain never ceases to amaze me. And while my funk hasn't lifted, in the face of her newly scripted movie about baked goods lost at sea, narcissistic blog ramblings just seem, well...pointless.

So she saved you guys from my blathering. She saved me too.

Thanks M.


  1. FWIW, I don't mind your "blathering" about a funk, it makes me feel like I'm not the only one sometimes! I'd also have much rather seen Life of Pie than Life of Pi. :)

  2. wow. i love the bunting! was it part of an activity?? and what did you use? gorgeous!

  3. Kelly
    The streamers were by the amazing artists, The Color Condition. They did an activity with the kids and a gorgeous installation in the Nasher's gardens.


  4. That little girl is adorable!

  5. "baked goods lost at sea" ... that is going to keep me laughing all day. Love it!

  6. That looks like such an amazing event at the Nasher. I miss the Nasher. Oh, I love the thoughts of children. I would totally watch that movie, er, short film. xo

  7. "Life of Pie"! That's hysterical. She needs to do a little video of it and post it to Youtube. You guys have a pool and you could film it there! We won't tell.

  8. I'd love to read more about your 'funk'. I'm in one myself. And Millie? What a character!
