
Loving...On A Wednesday

Japanese Surrealist Terunobu Fujimori's floating treehouse via The Nowness...maybe the most magical hideaway of all time, yes?

And a book of Cy Twombly (one of my forever favorite artists) photographs... Both spotted on Apiece Apart's blog.

Isabel Marant's Fall 2013 collection. Despite the mixed reviews, I am utterly and completely smitten with every single piece. I like her evolution toward a more minimal, sculptural aesthetic. The structure and shapes and origami-like folds are incredible, and you know I love me some neutrals... Isabel, you can do no wrong.

Works by Jen Garrido via Butter + Brass.

An intimate and beyond lovely mothering moment via A Desert Fete...

Utterly chic toy storage via Jenni Kayne (of course).


  1. cy twombly is my absolute favorite too, have you been to the twombly gallery at the menil in houston? one of my favorite places in the world...

  2. Dacy
    I haven't...but a trip to Houston is on our to do list this year just so we can visit the Menil!
