
Some Scenes From The Weekend...

Just a few scenes this weekend -- a bit of collage-making action by me and the Millster in between more pressing matters like, say, getting ready for our annual Seaside trip.

(Can you tell I'm excited?)

We made to do lists and started packing and tried on swimsuits (to soften the shock of wearing them for real later this week), and slathered on self tanner (post the aforementioned swimsuit trying on) and purchased copious amounts of sunscreen... Friends, I'm not sure I've ever been more ready for a family vacation. This little crew of mine is in desperate need of concentrated, unstructured time together (together being the key component). We need some lazy, some rambling about, some staring at the ocean and digging in the sand... You get the idea.

I am counting the hours...

Hope your weekend was lovely!


  1. The collage making looks like fun!

  2. I am so jealous/excited for you! A vacation sounds so marvelous. The collage looks great. I love your packing enthusiasm. xo

  3. Ditto here. We leave for Seaside on Friday morning and can hardly wait! Our first vacation without our sweet college Freshman though, so it's a bittersweet vacation. Maybe I'll run into you at Bud & Alley's :)

  4. Sounds delightful and well deserved, enjoy.

  5. Love the collage-a- thon! So fun and I love the idea of using washi tape instead of glue!
