
Some Scenes from the Weekend

We had a mellow weekend swimming with neighbors, enjoying a long (wine-fueled) dinner with friends and partaking in more one-on-one time with the girlies (this time I hung with Audrey while Bryan and the Millster had a date). All goodness for sure. But Sunday was, by far, the highlight...

Bryan requested a little field trip to Ft. Worth for Father's Day lunch at his favorite Mexican joint, Benito's, so we headed west and (literally) stuffed ourselves with mole verde enchiladas, pupusas and various other stuff-worthy morsels.

After "Glutton Fest 2012", we were feeling the need to walk around a bit, so we hit the Amon Carter to meander while getting our art on... The building was designed by Phillip Johnson, so there was a good cache of PJ books that Millie decided to peruse, leading to a massive obsession with his glass house. She just couldn't believe such a thing could possibly exist and spent the rest of the visit pondering how its inhabitants could get dressed without the entire world seeing them in their undies... (The mind of a five year old is a beautiful thing.)

In between working out the privacy implications of a house made of glass, we ogled the duo of awesome that was Ruth Asawa: Organic Meditations and American Vanguards.

Pupusas, Ruth Asawa, de Kooning, glass houses...It was, suffice to say, a good afternoon. 


Callie Grayson said...

What a wonderful weekend.
I love listening to children think out load, they are so honest , sweet and curious.

Megan Taylor said...

As always, so inspired by your blog! Especially today. I really needed some Simply Lovely on this particular Monday. xoMegan

Anonymous said...

It's so great seeing your girls look at art. I hope my kids get some interest.

And I love that polka dot shirt of yours!

Kelly said...

We recently visited the glasshouse. I highly recommend the tour! Tell Millie that the bathroom (on the back of the fireplace) is enclosed so its a perfect place to change without showing the world your undies.

Bri said...

Where's your bag from in your outfit picture? I died a little bit when I saw it, it's beautiful!

Joslyn said...

Bri -- thanks!!

I actually bought it a few years ago from a friend...not even sure what brand it is, as there's no tag...sorry ;-(

Laura said...

I too thought your polka dot shirt was super cute! Is it new? Could I possibly find one :)?