And yet, a mere six hours from departure, and I'm not even remotely prepared. I'm still packing; half the things on my to do list have not even a remote chance of getting crossed off; it's a bad scene. And remember, I'm a girl that has a packing formula, lists and plans. I rock this kind of thing. But no dice this year, which really just puts a big, fat explanation point on the need to just throw it all in a bag and hit the road, don't you think?
So I'm going to try and wing it a bit and see what happens. See you in a week. Wish me luck!
Do u go to Seaside? We r trying to book a July first-timers trip and could use beach house suggestions/contacts. Have fun! Those throw it in a bag and bolt vacations sometimes end up being the best ones!
Sometimes life leads you where you should be! Plus you can always get anything you really need while on vacation. All you need is each other and an open mind for anything.
What beach do you go to? I'm hoping to go to either Manzanita, Seaside, or Rockaway sometime soon.
:) Ewa
Safe travels - have a wonderful time chillin' en famille. Annie x
I have been in this situation many times and I am an eternal list maker. Just chuck stuff in a bag and hit the road & enjoy the freedom! Hope you guys have a lovely time away and get to recharge.
I hear you! I was in the same situation right before Christmas, and pretty much right before any other trip we have made this year. Totally unsettling. And yet these have been our best trips ever!
I get really stressed out about packing for trips, while my husband packs in 5 min. flat. He always says, if you forget it, it's not the end of the world, buy it! It's true, you can buy about any little thing you forget. Medicine, disposable camera, clothes...
Case in point, we were flying while my son was young to visit family for Thanksgiving. We had the car packed for a mega-early flight, I carefully slipped my son out of bed into the car to preserve his sleep and avoid a crabby baby on the plane. Score! However, I realized on the way the one major thing I for him. Didn't think of the fact we brought him in his PJs. Being Thanksgiving Day, I was in a panic my child would not have any shoes to toddle around in. However my husband was right, and we called family to go out on a hunt, and shoes were waiting when we landed.
Doesn't have to be the perfect look, toiletry, etc. It's the time you spend for sure, soak it in and enjoy!
"throw it all in a bag and hit the road"... best advice one can give in moments like these.
go for it... and have a wonderful, *relaxing time together :).
Honestly, as long as you have everyone in the car, your wallet, your keys, & your phones, anything else you could possibly need you can buy on the way or when you get there. No biggie.
Have a great trip...fully relaxing. You deserve it!
xo . trina
Throw everything in the bag and go...if you forgot something, stop at a store somewhere. Remember, this isn't remote's Texas. You can find what you need along the way! What matters is safety, happiness, sand, sun and together time.
Enjoy your trip!
Yes, just throw it in the bag and go! That sounds like the perfect mantra! You're already disconnecting and you haven't even hit the road yet.
Have a wonderful time!
Yes, just throw it in the bag and go! That sounds like the perfect mantra! You're already disconnecting and you haven't even hit the road yet.
Have a wonderful time!
Be grateful you get the time together to escape to the seaside. I am eternally OCD and sometimes you need to just let go. It may feel great to throw it in a bag and go! Any necessity you forget will be available. All you really need is a bathing suit & a hat.
Can't wait to hear and see pics.
Just breathe, go and relax. Sometimes you just have to let go! Enjoy your break ♥
i am sure that you have forgotten all about the craziness that ensued and trust you are relaxing on the beach!! enjoy your vacay!
Things don't always go as planned but quite time is always perfect. Hope you have a fantastic, peaceful, joyful vacation.
Sounds like the perfect way to regroup with the family. Hope all of you are having a blast. Enjoy every bit of this time off! xx
:) have a lovely vacance! kisses, GaBi
have a lovely time!...smiles
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