
Blogger's Favorites -- Sarah of We Never Sleep + A Giveaway

Sarah Beaver makes incredibly beautiful jewelry...

It's artful and thoughtful and completely unique. I've long been a fan -- her Shriner's Fez necklace sat on my wish list for the better part of 2011, and I finally acquired one a couple of weeks ago...I wear it non-stop.

We recently met through e-mail and thought it would be fun to celebrate the one-year anniversary of her shop by sharing her favorites here with you guys this week and doing a little giveaway. (Double the fun, yes?)

She's offered up the lovely Shriner's Fez necklace in quartz above to one of my readers... Just leave a comment on this post by next Thursday, March 8th at midnight CT, and I'll announce a winner next Friday.

So without further ado, herewith Sarah's list. Enjoy and have a fantastic weekend friends!

Modernist Jewelry/Metal Smithing -- This style of jewelry influences my taste in design the most. I particularly like the idea of "wearable art" that these jewelers were referencing when creating pieces. And I'm not picky, really, I love every modernist nationality - from Danish to Mexican to Israeli. I've got a little bit of everything in my personal collection, though I'll not stop dreaming of owning an Alexander Calder or Pal Kepenyes designed piece.

Thrift Stores -- Perhaps loving thrift stores has become something of a cliche, but I have been devoutly attending every junk shop, thrift store, and flea market within a fifty mile radius of where ever I happen to be living since I was 15 years old. And, even now, I can always count of a thrift store to deliver. The leopard print trench (Raincheetahs by Naman) and 50's suede pumps in this photo are both recent thrift finds. You know the kind - that get your heart palpitating and change your breathing pattern. I know I'll never weary of the hunt and the subsequent elation from a good, cheap score.

Gilt Touches -- Lately, I've been very inspired by gilt bits. It began when a good friend gave me a booklet of gold leaf for decorating the wenvrsleep packaging. And then, I began work on these 1954 Dean Cornwell murals, which have such beautiful, strategic use of both gold and aluminum leaf. (My day job is in Art Conservation and Historic Preservation - elements of the items I work to preserve are always inspiring/influencing my other creative endeavors.)

Breakfast -- I could honestly wax philosophic about breakfast. It's my favorite meal for so many reasons - namely because it is so versatile. It can be savory. It can be sweet. You can utilize leftovers from dinner the night before in entirely new ways. (Which is exactly what I did with these Bucheron, Leek, and Thyme Mashed Potatoes from my Valentine's Day Dinner.) Breakfast, in my humble opinion, is epicurean heaven.

Silk Painting -- It is important for me to use my hands in some creative fashion at all times. The jewelry collections I began creating one year ago definitely serve to fulfill that need. Now, I have also begun testing out different methods of painting on silk bras. These pieces are all in the early stages of the process, but I am really pleased with the results. Most likely I will be stocking these in the shop come Spring.

Tuxedo and Astrid -- These are my cats and they are forever my favorite.


Ana Degenaar said...

What an amazing artist! Please count me in.

Anja Verdugo said...

Sarah's jewelry is my absolute favorite.

chiara said...

That necklace is stunning! Holy crow - I wish that I will be the lucky winner!

Anonymous said...

this necklace would give my closet the suckerpunch it so badly needs.

Rachel Angevine said...

Wow--simply stunning.

Callie Grayson said...

Ok those bras are gorgeous!

RIA said...


Caitlin said...

That is a stunning necklace! Love these friday posts.

Hope you have a lovely weekend with the fam. xx

Caitlin said...

That is a stunning necklace! Love these friday posts.

Hope you have a lovely weekend with the fam. xx

Krista said...

lovely necklace!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous necklace! I would love to rock it!!

johanna said...

That beautiful necklace is exactly what this 7 months pregnant lady needs!! I love it and would feel great wearing it :)

Mary Jo said...

the necklace is beautiful!

Amanda said...

Oh I've been longing for one of these necklaces...

Maren said...

I wish those cute cats came with the necklace! They're beautiful :)

Ellen said...

I actually purchased a fez necklace based on one of your previous posts on Simple Lovely. I love it and get compliments on it all the time and therefore would love to add to my wenvrsleep collection!

Mara said...

Beautiful necklace and love the silk bras!

samara said...

Beautiful necklace!

Abigail Leigh said...

whoa! what a great give away! so lovely!

Susan said...

Love the necklace... And her guest post. Thanks!

SCBlount said...

So....March 8th is my birthday... and I'm a Sarah too. I think it's meant to be ;)

Anonymous said...

Statement necklace! Very beautiful.

Lauren said...

all of Sarah's jewelry is stunning.

Caitlin Williams said...

I would loooooove to have this! ( Who wouldn't?)

Rachel S said...


Anonymous said...

That necklace is beautiful.

From one breakfast lover to another!

Unknown said...

i am seriously loving the bras!

Mathilde heart Manech said...

What a beautiful necklace. I'm going to take a peek at Sarah's shop at once!
Mathildeheartmanech (at) gmail (dot) com

UrbanChiqueNess said...

Her Shriner's Fez necklace is to die for! I love anything with a tassel and the quartz fancies it up! I am a necklace hoarder but one more will do. Thanks for the share.

P.S. Some of my jewels and tips to showcase!

Cari said...

I'd love to win, thanks.

Alena: Oh, Its Just Perfect! said...

I just checked out her Etsy shop--amazing! I can't wait until she restocks. That necklace is perfect for day and night!

Secondhand Stella said...

I love her jewelry. She has been an Etsy favorite of mine for awhile.

Hope I win!


Dara said...

Beautiful necklace. I, too, love the Friday guest posts. Amazing women!

GB said...

The necklace is gorgeous, please count me in!

REBrown said...

Beautiful jewelry - so unique.

Christina C said...

Major crush on Sarah's work. Simply amazing..

Katarina said...

I love the jewelry! It's so architectural, and a bit old-world. The mix of materials creates a perfect balance between soft and hard. Beautiful!

Gica said...

beautiful post, love the Fez necklace! Will keep an eye on her in the future for sure!

Sarah said...

Oh wow, I just went over to see if I could snag a necklace without winning and they're all sold out! So fingers double crossed :)

Butcher Press said...

SARAH'S WORK IS AWESOME! I own the Jewel of the Order necklace - from this same collection - and it is hands down my favorite necklace to wear. It's made so well and I am constantly getting compliments. Don't count me in to win this - I'd rather someone new to Sarah's collection should be the lucky winner!!! I'm already hooked on her stuff!

Hanna said...

Love all that stuff!

Elena Vo said...

I love the genuine spirit in all of Sarah's work...please count me in!


redchampagne@gmail.com said...

Pretty stuff!

Tina Louise said...

Gorgeous necklace! I love the idea of wearable art with a minimalistic dress! Thanks for a fantastic giveaway!

Maggie said...

shriners fez necklace, be mine! pretty excited about those pretty bras too!

Meg said...

Oof, I've been coveting that necklace ever since I bought a pair of her earrings for a friend. Love this insight into her work.

Jennifer said...

What fun favorites! Lovely...

Rachel said...

I've been imagining that exact necklace and am so pleased to know where to find it :)

Rachel said...

I've been imagining that exact necklace for months and am so pleased to know where to find it!

Jennie said...

Such a stunning piece of jewelry, more like art!

JanjaBe said...

Thanks for the introduction to Sarah's work. I noticed that necklace in black on one of your previous posts and was wondering about the source... It's striking, elegant and timeless in its simplicity. Loved all the photos in this piece too!

Jenny said...

lovely necklace and beautiful bras...

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

the necklace is stunning as is the gorgeous unmentionables! ;)

Emma said...

gorgeous necklace.

Jennifer said...

We Never Sleep has amazing designs, and the Shriner's Fez necklace has been one of my favorites for a looong time!

Meghan @ The Rambling Sister said...

So beautiful! And the cats . . . Precious. Thank you both for the giveaway!

Lacey said...

I have so many ideas for outfits I would wear her jewelry with! Would love to win one!

Just L said...

This necklace is gorgeous, I love the brass look with the clear quartz- stunning

Mama J said...

What a gorgeous necklace! I can see how it would become a daily go-to piece.

veronica said...

Simple & lovely necklace, true to your blog. I would wear it proudly in LA! Thanks for the fun giveaway. Found your blog through the orecchiette (third attempt at spelling it) recipe and thank you for a delicious recipe. One of my 18 month old firsts was: pa-ta (pasta)! He actually has a penchant for necklaces too!

TastyCate said...

We love to own such a beautiful piece.

Heather said...

Nothing better then a perfect necklace.

crystal said...

Love this series... Beautiful jewelry, love the earring version of the necklace, too.

christa said...

The necklace is great! The silk painted bras are fun too.

Becca said...

Absolutely beautiful.

filthy cute said...

this necklace makes me swoon.

ashlea said...

Great necklace, even better bras. Thanks for the introduction to this artist.

Meredith said...

what a unique piece! thanks for the give-a-way

Hillary Heydle said...

love the necklace!! coveting the bra.
thank you.

Kristina said...

wow this necklace is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Pick meeee!!! Last week I linked Simple Lovely on my list of favorite blogs... Mine is http://stonefruitsandfinchbeaks.blogspot.com/ Plus I am big and pregnant and need a pick me up.

Danielle G said...

I love it!! I would love to add this to my collection.

va said...

cute necklace ,like the tassel .

sk said...

Gorgeous necklace! I also love her painted silk bras-- so unique!

hannah, heart city said...


Emily♥♥♥ said...

Beautiful necklace, and adorable cats!


Jessica said...

Wow. Beautiful stuff!

Rachael said...

I am enchanted!

Amy said...

lovely favorites and those silk bras are gorgeous!

Su said...

Gorgeous! Fingers crossed!

creekhousemt said...

artful jewelry and an ode to eggs in one post...delightful.

What Goes Around said...

truly inspiring!
would love for you to check out my vintage fashion/travel bog,


Jessica said...

Beautiful and inspiring jewelry!

TheMuscatoHansens said...

Beautiful necklace and inspiring artist. Thanks for the opportunity!

Mj said...

Love the shriner necklace...and lovely blog as well!

Aimee @ Smiling Mama said...

The necklace is stunning!

Desi McKinnon said...

Modernist Jewelry/Metal Smithing is one of my all time favorite go to places for inspiration too. Love your stuff.

annie said...

Lovely necklace, I love the darker gold color.

On a Lighter Note said...

That necklace is to die for -- pick me!

Bri said...

Beautiful, beautiful jewelry!

Shannon said...

absolutely love that necklace

Alison said...

Love the necklace and her favorites, jammin'!

Sarah Bradley said...

A new favorite jewelry designer and one to definitely add to my wish list! Thanks for the opportunity!

sew nancy said...

Wow! Very pretty. Please count me in

Mercedes said...

I love her jewelry!

carly said...

Beautiful post and love the cats!

lividee said...

what a beautiful necklace and list of favorites!

oranji said...


Amy Breeden said...

Love the necklace! Gorgeous!

Amy Breeden said...

Love the necklace! Gorgeous!

Amy Breeden said...

Love the necklace! Gorgeous!

Chelsea said...

LOVE her work so much!

About Last Weekend said...

Great jewellery, great style and love her whole philosophy. Have to have her breakfast for dinner though...I am not a morning person

kaylie grace said...

Oh my, that leopard trench is such a find! Thanks for sharing these stunning favorites. And yes, I wouldn't mind adding that lovely necklace to my collection - thanks for the chance!

janet said...

Really lovely. Thanks for the giveaway!

Katie Wilkes said...

A. I want!
B. Avocado at breakfast is the best thing ever.

sarah said...

Beautiful necklace!

Jennifer said...

Pretty blown away by that necklace...really beautiful!

Rebekah said...

Amazing necklace - love it!!

Alex said...

When I was growing up we had a close family friend who wore unusual, modern, sometimes oriental, but always very elegant, necklaces. She used to tell my sister and I fabulous stories about her travels to far flung places (she was so far ahead of her time) and encouraged us to believe that anything is possible. (See the photos of her here - http://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/langley-doreen-moira-13353). Sarah's gorgeous necklace reminded me of my friend's jewelry - understated but so very elegant – something we could do with more of in this world!

ajax247 said...

What beautiful designs- there is something delightfully deco about this piece, a vintage modernist twist. Inspiring work.

GJP said...

GORGEOUS necklace!! I'd be one lucky girl to wear it...

oskarknows said...

breakfast, bras, jewelry and kitties!! the best.

Hilary said...

Such gorgeous work... big fan, for sure!!

kbockmann said...

I would adore this necklace. I love it! kimberly

Emma said...

A lovely list of favorites (I think its amazing week after week how different everyone's choices are) and of course the necklace is to die for.

Blue Stocking Studio said...

Fingers crossed for the necklace!
and Bucheron, Leek, and Thyme Mashed Potatoes for breakfast - yes, please!