Have a splendid weekend friends!
Off to Round Top
I'm headed to Round Top today with two of my loveliest friends to sleuth out some treasures and enjoy a little (much needed) girl bonding. Last year's trip netted some pretty stellar finds, so hoping for more of the same this time around ;-)
In Praise of Single-Tasking
A teeny, tiny detail pic snapped on my iPhone from yesterday's shoot
Something miraculous happened yesterday. Ready?
I did not access the interwebs. At all.
I spent the work day at a house shoot where the homeowner had no Internet access (No internet access people!), so, when I wasn't downing an obscene amount of coffee in an attempt to stave off the effects of the previous evening's insomnia*, I was focused wholly and completely on, wait for it...doing my job.
It was a revelation this single-tasking. No popping over to Pinterest, no peeking in at blogs, very little e-mail (I did have my iPhone, but I purposefully tucked it away for most of the day). I forget how much better I am at something when I actually give it my focused attention,when I'm present, fully engaged, in it.
Game changer...for sure.
{*thanks for all your comments about the insomnia...you guys had so many amazing suggestions and made me feel like I'm not the only sleepless zombie out there trying desperately to hold it together.}
keep it simple
The In-Between Time
A few quite moments snapped at b. gover last week...not necessarily insomnia related but pretty nonetheless, yes?
Ok, first things first, you have to give me a pass on any nonsensical ramblings or glaring grammar mistakes, as I'm writing this one in the midst of some rather epic insomnia...
The insomnia situation is a pretty common occurrence for me, usually striking every other week or so on a night when I need sleep most (i.e. the night before some incredibly important task), thus freaking me out even more than it might normally. Here's how it goes down: I'm startled awake by something at say, 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. (usually Millie padding into our room and crawling into our bed); I spend 30 minutes or so trying in vain to fall back asleep; I finally give-in and (try to) revel in the possibilities of being awake in that in-between time when everyone else is snoozing and the house is peaceful and quiet and dark.
My friend Tim actually inspired this reveling. We were talking a couple of years ago about his tendency to regularly get hit with insomnia at 3:00 in the morning. When I asked what he does, how he falls back asleep, he told me he just embraces it. He gets up, watches a little television, maybe reads. Sometimes he goes back to sleep, sometimes he doesn't. No biggie. (There's nothing like a good display of nonchalance to put things in perspective...)
So in the the in-between time I try to chill. I read the magazines that I never have the chance to get to, I write (albeit not well), I look at pretty blogs and eat buttery toast and drink (lots) of coffee, I stare out the window. It's goodness.
I'm wondering, are you guys on the insomnia train? If so, do you give into it? Do you fight it? What do you do in the in-between time? Spill.
just lovely
Perhaps the most glorious windows of all time. Just, well...wow. (Via What Wilson Wants.)
Beautiful flower crown action (but then again I can never get enough of a good flower crown) via Jennifer.
Jean de Merry -- that bench, those stools. Suffice to say if money were no object...
Celine's subtle take on color block. Just all sorts of buttery leather goodness, yes? (Via A Piece Apart.)
Ilana Kohn's ethereal Hatch print Abby dress. The perfect antidote to Texas' raging summer heat.
This photo from a recent Janus et Cie e-mail. It just makes me smile. It's a happy maker...
Michelle's posts on living according to your values and embracing a creative path. I loved reading these. So, so good...
Beautiful flower crown action (but then again I can never get enough of a good flower crown) via Jennifer.
Jean de Merry -- that bench, those stools. Suffice to say if money were no object...
Celine's subtle take on color block. Just all sorts of buttery leather goodness, yes? (Via A Piece Apart.)
Ilana Kohn's ethereal Hatch print Abby dress. The perfect antidote to Texas' raging summer heat.
This photo from a recent Janus et Cie e-mail. It just makes me smile. It's a happy maker...
Michelle's posts on living according to your values and embracing a creative path. I loved reading these. So, so good...
Some Scenes From The Weekend
Some awesome bright textiles at my friend Janet's (killer) house...
So I did in fact get a pedicure with Bryan's mom, buy fresh flowers for our bedroom (plus a couple of other rooms) and cook dinner for some new friends, and all three were highly satisfying.
Here are a few more (unplanned) little luxuries that occurred this weekend:
- Swimming(!) -- Well the girlies swam, but still...I have to say the whole thing has me simultaneously thrilled and a little freaked out. I mean it's May friends. May!
- Reading a stack of magazines while the girlies enjoyed their aforementioned swim
- Multiple meals enjoyed at our little table in the back yard
- A laid back dinner date with hubby and our two besties
- A leisurely girl lunch with Millie and our buddies Sara and Ava
(* update: apparently it's not May, it's March...I need a vacation. Thanks Sarah!)
scenes from the weekend
Little Luxuries
(photograph by Helenio Barbetta via Desire to Inspire)
"Build in little daily luxuries in your life."
I read this over on Rachel's blog a while ago, and I keep coming back to it. Even though I'm a details gal to the core, I need the gentle nudge every once and a while to take time for small delights...the "want tos" amidst all the "have tos" if you will.
Here are a few daily luxuries I'm hoping to work into the weekend:
(p.s. we're doing a fun little giveaway over on the D Home blog today. You can take a peek here if you're interested...)
"Build in little daily luxuries in your life."
I read this over on Rachel's blog a while ago, and I keep coming back to it. Even though I'm a details gal to the core, I need the gentle nudge every once and a while to take time for small delights...the "want tos" amidst all the "have tos" if you will.
Here are a few daily luxuries I'm hoping to work into the weekend:
- A pedicure with Bryan's mom
- Cooking dinner for new friends
- Fresh flowers for our bedroom
- A long family bike ride
(p.s. we're doing a fun little giveaway over on the D Home blog today. You can take a peek here if you're interested...)
keep it simple
Some Scenes From The Office...
I'm am the nerd that (literally) loves nothing more than getting a peek inside a person's house/workspace/closet. In the off chance that you also enjoy these types of things (friends, I know you do, admit it...), I thought you *might* like to see a few snaps of my desk at the new gig.
When I left my old job, I bequeathed almost everything from my office to co-workers, friends, strangers on the street... I really wanted my surroundings to embody the fact that I was starting a new chapter in my work life -- all fresh and shiny and new (a lot to expect from office decor, I realize).
And I have to say, I love my new little space. Despite the fact that all the editors sit in a wide-open bullpen set-up, it feels oddly cozy; it inspires productivity (always a good thing at work; and there's a kickin' coffee maker just around the corner, which, really, might be the best part of all.
keep it simple
Simplicity, Work and Enjoyment
"My secret for long life is simplicity, work and enjoyment."
This video by Julia Warr might be one of the loveliest things I've come across in a long time... (Spotted on my friend Jane's pinterest.)
"Shot in Fire Island, New York, this film captures the secrets of eternal youth as Maia Helles, a Russian ballet dancer turns 95 but still remains resolutely independent, healthy and as fit as a forty year old. Made by Julia Warr, artist and film maker met Maia on a plane 4 years ago and became utterly convinced by the benefits of her daily exercise routine, which Maia perfected, together with her Mother, over 60 years ago, long before exercise classes were ever invented."
just lovely,
keep it simple
Swedish photographer Jonas Ingerstedt's home, all light and white and natural wood and little pops of color goodness (spotted on Molly Ruth via OEN).
A brass cuff that, if worn, would make me feel like a bit of a bohemian Wonder Woman (also spotted via Molly Ruth, who is very clearly rocking it).
Pretty much every single photograph on Le Dans La. She just has an eye for composition and color (not to mention the ability to make even the humblest of objects beyond beautiful) that I can only dream of.
The new Shabd offerings over on Pretty Mommy but especially that Huipil blouse...sigh.
A coffee maker (and stand) lovely enough to steal my attention away from my beloved Chemex for a bit.
Laure's kitchen... ok she rivals le dans la in turning everyday scenes into works of art.
Baggu's new spring-hued buttery leather offerings. I feel like my groceries would be infinitely happier if I toted them home in that melon goodness, yes?
A slew of lovely sculptural rings spotted via Ashley...
A brass cuff that, if worn, would make me feel like a bit of a bohemian Wonder Woman (also spotted via Molly Ruth, who is very clearly rocking it).
Pretty much every single photograph on Le Dans La. She just has an eye for composition and color (not to mention the ability to make even the humblest of objects beyond beautiful) that I can only dream of.
The new Shabd offerings over on Pretty Mommy but especially that Huipil blouse...sigh.
A coffee maker (and stand) lovely enough to steal my attention away from my beloved Chemex for a bit.
Laure's kitchen... ok she rivals le dans la in turning everyday scenes into works of art.
Baggu's new spring-hued buttery leather offerings. I feel like my groceries would be infinitely happier if I toted them home in that melon goodness, yes?
A slew of lovely sculptural rings spotted via Ashley...
Some Scenes From The Weekend
As evidenced by the shots above, I took the details very (very) seriously this weekend... Oh and I finally let Bryan show me how to use the aperture setting on our camera (I usually just turn off the flash, point the camera at something pretty, hold my breath, and pray), thus resulting in as many photos with small items in the foreground as humanly possible.
Sorry to subject you guys to my photography lessons in real time.
Beyond Photo 101, I consumed some of the best pizza ever (here), baked (brownies and banana bread), spruced up the house a bit, and ran errands (one of which was braving IKEA on a Saturday for some gallery frames and a couple of sheepskins... oh my, do I ever have a love/hate relationship with the IKEA). My new work schedule is turning me into bit of a weekend warrior (gotta get it done before monday!!!) but no matter, as it's all worth it. For sure.
Hope your weekend was splendid friends!
scenes from the weekend
Focusing on the Details...
This image of Oscar de la Renta following his show runner and fixing the strings on each gift bag as she puts it down (spotted via wife & 2 kids) is perhaps one of the best things I've ever seen, on so many levels.
First there's the fact that (to me) it epitomizes humility and the importance of rolling up your sleeves and doing a job well no matter how (seemingly) menial the task. I mean, honestly it's Oscar de la Renta people, I'm sure he has someone to tuck-in those strings for him, but he's doing it...himself.
Then there's the attention to detail factor, which, really, is what takes a situation (any situation) from good to unforgettable. All of my most poignant moments in life are inevitably accompanied by some memory of a perfectly thought out detail -- a little bit of going above and beyond (and it doesn't have to be extravagant) to make things feel magical.
Food & Thought at SFMOMA with Meatpaper and Blue Bottle - "Still/Life"
Case in point: Earlier this week I was at a shoot for work. I arrived at the studio to the photographer's wife making a pot of lightly sweetened cuban coffee and fresh squeezed juice involving carrots, ginger, apples and some other crazy yummy but not quite discernible ingredients. She set the beverages out on a large table where we all sat and enjoyed them together before the shoot. Then she went off and lit a few candles, turned on some music and kept tall glasses of water filled for us all day.
The gestures were simple but thoughtful and lovely. And they turned an otherwise normal day (ok, not totally normal, it was a photo shoot after all...) into a "burned on my brain", totally memorable moment.
It's been a harried week. I'm rushing through tasks, trying to get it all done, frenetically crossing things off the to do list. The details are suffering. Big time. So I'm going to take a deep breath and try to get them back a bit. I think it's too important not to.
Happy weekend friends.
First there's the fact that (to me) it epitomizes humility and the importance of rolling up your sleeves and doing a job well no matter how (seemingly) menial the task. I mean, honestly it's Oscar de la Renta people, I'm sure he has someone to tuck-in those strings for him, but he's doing it...himself.
Then there's the attention to detail factor, which, really, is what takes a situation (any situation) from good to unforgettable. All of my most poignant moments in life are inevitably accompanied by some memory of a perfectly thought out detail -- a little bit of going above and beyond (and it doesn't have to be extravagant) to make things feel magical.
Food & Thought at SFMOMA with Meatpaper and Blue Bottle - "Still/Life"
Case in point: Earlier this week I was at a shoot for work. I arrived at the studio to the photographer's wife making a pot of lightly sweetened cuban coffee and fresh squeezed juice involving carrots, ginger, apples and some other crazy yummy but not quite discernible ingredients. She set the beverages out on a large table where we all sat and enjoyed them together before the shoot. Then she went off and lit a few candles, turned on some music and kept tall glasses of water filled for us all day.
The gestures were simple but thoughtful and lovely. And they turned an otherwise normal day (ok, not totally normal, it was a photo shoot after all...) into a "burned on my brain", totally memorable moment.
It's been a harried week. I'm rushing through tasks, trying to get it all done, frenetically crossing things off the to do list. The details are suffering. Big time. So I'm going to take a deep breath and try to get them back a bit. I think it's too important not to.
Happy weekend friends.
just lovely,
keep it simple
Disco Balls, Shaggy 80s Sweaters and Sweet Surprise Gifts (AKA: The Random Bits)
Ok first up, I bought a big disco ball. That one above actually. Why on earth, did I buy a big disco ball, you ask? You know, I really don't have a good answer for that one friends, so I'm just going with, "it's pretty" and leaving it at that... Cool?
Isabel Marant Spring 2012 © Vogue.com
Ok next I'm a wee bit obsessed with Isabel Marant's groovy shaggy sweaters, but (even if they were remotely within my price range, which they aren't) sadly it's just not a look I can pull off...
If, however, I did possess the sartorial chutzpa to don one, I'd snap up one of the Marant-esque numbers currently taking up residence in this etsy shop tout de suite. (Heather Taylor, I think you need to buy one, stat. You could totally rock either of these bad boys.)
And last (but definitely not least) I opened the mail a couple of days ago to this surprise drawing of the girlies by my lovely friend Kelly Christine. Just so, so sweet. Thanks Kelly. You made my month!
Isabel Marant Spring 2012 © Vogue.com
Ok next I'm a wee bit obsessed with Isabel Marant's groovy shaggy sweaters, but (even if they were remotely within my price range, which they aren't) sadly it's just not a look I can pull off...
If, however, I did possess the sartorial chutzpa to don one, I'd snap up one of the Marant-esque numbers currently taking up residence in this etsy shop tout de suite. (Heather Taylor, I think you need to buy one, stat. You could totally rock either of these bad boys.)
And last (but definitely not least) I opened the mail a couple of days ago to this surprise drawing of the girlies by my lovely friend Kelly Christine. Just so, so sweet. Thanks Kelly. You made my month!
just lovely
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