I *finally* went to ballet (after a way too long hiatus) and am again addicted, lovely cousin Erin asked me to be her matron of honor(!), we partook in a fantastic dinner with Lucia and Pete and their littles that ended with the girlies doing a performance (surprise, surprise) while the guys played guitar on the back patio, we collectively spent the better part of Sunday in our PJs, I tore through my closet, banishing all of my conservative "corporate america" work wear and putting together outfits for my big first week at the new job, we consumed an embarrassing quantity of chocolate in the form of brownies and See's dark Bordeaux (thanks Carlise and Stevie), the girlies and I messed around with some new paint colors, we spent a festive evening celebrating our sweet friend Charlotte's 1st birthday...
It was a good one. For sure.
Best of Luck on your first day at the new job!!!
What and early gift! Loved this post and those chocolates are calling my name.
It sounds like a great weekend! Would love to see some of the work outfits you put together!
I'd recognize those chocolates anywhere! Love me some See's Bordeaux!
sounds like an all around fun weekend? where did you get the paints? love the colors. need to stock up on some new art supplies for my boys :) Good luck Joslyn. You'll do fabulously at the new job :)
Yeay for ballet! And yeay for first days at work!
are those tempura paints?
P.S. so fun about taking ballet. i miss that!
Sounds like a fun weekend. Love those chocolates! <3
Hi Joslyn, I just discovered your blog today {wish I had found it earlier!} and just love it and your point of view. All the best to you in your new job and I look forward to following your new adventures as you move forward. :)
perfect weekend! and those chocolates don't look so bad either...xo
Love, love, love the painting. When will you start selling your necklaces and paintings? :)
It sounds so great to have a weekend like this....
Oh isn't getting rid of all your corporate clothes to most emancipating feeling ever? It's like a butterfly shedding it's cocoon, so liberating and exciting! Best of luck with the new job x
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