I try to be careful when declaring a "girl crush", as the term has become so ubiquitous that I fear it's lost a bit of its impact. The girls that make the cut manage to be at once smart + funny + kind + cool + stylish without really realizing how awesome they are (the key ingredient being the "not realizing" part).
Natalie fits the bill. Big time.
Not only does she posses all the "girl crush" qualities, but she can rock glasses and red lipstick in ways I can only dream of. It's impressive stuff. When I met her at Alt. I was immediately smitten. Done and done.
So I'm excited to have her here sharing her favorites to take us into the weekend. Without further ado, Natalie's list. Enjoy!

"70s Singer-Songwriter Style" -- Well, that's what I'm calling it anyway, and I am on a life-long quest to master that perfect combination of mussed-up hair and poetic quirk. With a touch of Charlotte Gainsbourg Frenchiness on the side, of course. But do I need bangs for this, I always wonder? Because I am also obsessed with singer-songwriter bangs. Every year I come thiiiis close to just hacking them off and dealing with the consequences! I caught the tail end of American Idol the other night (a show I normally can't sit through) and I developed such a girl crush on Haley Smith in such a short amount of time that I might have to watch this season just to see how she does. (My husband will be so glad--he loves American Idol.)

Hunting down the perfect rustic farm table -- We recently moved across the neighborhood and into a bigger apartment (nearly three times the size--but don't get excited! It's still well under 1000 square feet). We now have the most glorious dining space, which I can't seem to fill with a table no matter how hard I try. The minute I think I've found "the one"--the table with just enough heft, just enough rustic glamour, and just enough masculinity--I chicken out and go back to the drawing board. Either this all will lead to me finding THE rustic farm table of my dreams, or else we will just eat on the couch for the rest of our lives while I search for eternity. Hah! I'll have to keep you posted! ;)

Stuff -- Oh but I have an affinity for "stuff." Right now it's Pendleton prints, sheepskins and arrows, cow-hide rugs, antlers and antique game trophy... and then also frilly tea cups, french industrial lights, doilies, antique cake plates and milk glass. I'm a mess. I like clean, modern lines, but then I also like a lot of lace. And I want to have it in my hands and look at it all day. Sometimes I think I am a walking contradiction, but somewhere between the modern and feminine and masculine extremes, there I am.
The thrill of a new project -- There's nothing better than that first spark of an idea and the resulting passion to get through it. Between projects I can sometimes feel like I'm in a terrible slump. I am the type to crave something new. I must have something to look forward to!

New York City -- My husband and I recently moved back to our favorite city after a four-year intermission in the wilds of Idaho (where my husband attended law school for his JD/MBA) and I just love it here. It is such a thrill just traipsing to the drug store when you live in a place like New York City. I thrive off this energy and hope we never have to leave.

And yet...I am still clinging desperately to my dream of someday owning a country house, complete with chickens and freshly baked bread and a very beat up old pick up truck parked out front.

Clogs -- I have a weakness for utilitarian shoes of all types, but right now Swedish clogs are taking the cake. The clunkier the better. I mean, I want you to hear me clomping in before you can even see me! ;)

This picture of Natalie has been floating around Pinterest and she looks SO chic. I completely understand yoour girl crush ha ha!
Love her blog! Girl crush indeed!
I recently started following Natalie on Instagram, and I'm already smitten!
Totally agree!! Such a great read!!!
I feel like I know Natalie and have only just found her blog. Thanks for the great post!!!
She is totally a new read for me now - thank you!
Oh, and forgive my mercenary comment, but I am selling a 9.5 pair of those same Rachel Comey clogs on Laws of General Economy! http://thegeneraleconomy.blogspot.com/2012/01/rachel-comey-rufus-clog-size-95-carmelo.html They need a good home...
She definitely rocks the glasses and red lipstick in ways I too only wish I could!
Yes to the rustic table. Yes to New York AND the country farm house. Yes to the amazing thrill of a new project. And yes to Nat!!!
Total girl crush!!! xo
Love all of this + that dining room is amazing!
♡ Lexi
FASHION: Glitter & Pearls
WEDDINGS: Glitter Weddings
Love this. Great list.
I have long had a girl-crush on Natalie. I love this list.
Josylyn - I am getting caught up on your blog tonight and laughing out loud at Natlie. I see why you have a girl crush - she is great! This post was really refreshing. :)
How can you not just LOVE Natalie? She is so darling and funny and sweet.
Someday I would like to be like her.
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