We partook in a plethora-o-festive this weekend including a cozy double date on Friday with our besties Julie and Tim, a sweet ornament exchange/craft party at my immensely talented friend Sarah's house and two fun kiddo birthday parties.
We also took-in Millie's class singing carols in the middle of our toniest shopping mall. It was a pretty cute enterprise, 40 or so four-year-olds belting out holiday tunes in their sparkly duds. But the best part was during the finale when Millie decided she might need to, well...pick her nose. After the deed was done, she spent the rest of the performance in alternating states of disgust and confusion while pondering how to dispose of her "bounty". Oh and did I mention that she was in the front row...center??!
Friends, I realize I am veering from my typical content here and have landed firmly in "mommy" territory. Suffice to say, it's not very glamorous, but here's the thing, "Boogergate 2011" made me laugh...until my stomach hurt. I spend a bulk of my days organizing and planning and shepherding and trying to get things just right...every once in a while I need a good reminder that no matter what I do my kids are going to occasionally pick their noses (in front of 300+ people, in the middle of a really nice shopping mall). It's just going to happen. You just have to go with it.
And in some weird way, that makes me happy.
Ok now for the winner of the World's Smallest Post Kit giveaway... Congrats Kristen!
I am frequently shocked at the free flow of nose picking that goes on with my toddler. It's sometimes disturbing and when I ask her to stop or go get a tissue, Emerson is equally annoyed and put off. It's a winless battle.
Thank you for posting Boogergate...that really made me laugh. You are my kind of mama, Joslyn.
love the stripes.
And this is refreshing. I mean, all kids do this. Why not just embrace that we are not in control.
Too funny! I worked at said shopping mall all through grad school and I LOVE the holidays there - but nothing like I love the kid performers. I know she was darling and precious booger or no.
Mom or not, it's still a funny story!
Hilarious to the max, and wasn't she also picking her nose in your family photo?
Picking my nose and heartily agreeing with you right now...
That's so funny :-)
kikiazure -- she was!!! clearly the child has a problem ;-)
this is beyond cute/gorgeous. i can imagine down the road if/when I have a babe, i'll be pulling up all these posts for inspiration.
Love it! Good on you. Boogergate comprises most of my blog content, so have a firm fondness for it. But maybe my turn to post something lovelygate
SOOOO funny!!! I love this, xo
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