I'm continuing my efforts to cut through the clutter and suss out the things that stuck with me each month amidst the flotsam and jetsam (visual and otherwise)... It's actually a pretty fun little exercise. I might even be hooked.

So to end the week, herewith, in no particular order, the things that made the cut for October... Have a splendid weekend!
A Kitchen of Windows
Those two images above of the kitchens made-up pretty much entirely of windows are just so incredibly, crazy, over-the-top gorgeous, yes? I have no idea how to realistically make something like this happen in my house (never mind the implications to our electricity bill or how you would keep that action clean), but nonetheless I find myself 100%, unequivocally obsessed. I want a kitchen made of windows friends. I do.
Groovy Chunky Knits
I'm pretty fixated on all the almost lacy, big open weave sweaters floating around out there. I'm digging the crafted sort of hippie vibe + they're just really, really pretty. I love this one from Anthro, as it seems a bit more substantial for fall, but I grabbed this one at UO on the sale rack recently and have worn the heck out of that bad boy...
Lemon Water in The Morning
A few months ago I read this post on my friend Stephanie's excellent blog and was instantly intrigued... I sort of mentally filed it away, as I've always been a big water girl but just not a big "water in the morning" girl. But I decided to give it a whirl last month and have since started every morning with a tall glass of water, and to make it more palatable (and presumably healthier), I squeeze the juice of a whole lemon into it. Here's the thing... Stephanie is literally one of the most beautiful, glowy women I know in real-life. Of course it could be due to her amazing character shining through or genetics or the fact that she completely eschews coffee and alcohol, but (especially given my dependence on my morning cup of joe and my fondness for the occasional gin and tonic) I’m going to pretend it's the water.
Weleda Rose Oil
I picked up a bottle of Weleda Rose Oil at Whole Foods last month based solely on the fact that it was extremely on sale (in general I love Weleda's products, but in this case, I really had no valid need for purchasing a bottle of rose oil...the sale sucked me in). What I didn't expect is that I'd get completely hooked on the dreamy smelling stuff. I've been using it after every shower instead of lotion. It's my new go-to.
I have some of that rose oil too, it smells so good. Not like a stinky (cheap) rose but almost kind of like a warmer rose maybe. I don't know, but it smells good.
Will have to try lemon water. I don't drink enough as is, maybe that will help.
And the windows are so fabulous. I dream of more windows in my kitchen all the time. We'd have to move our garage though. ;)
happy weekend!
Weleda have such gorgeous products. My dutch friend has several of their range & when i visit her house i smell them in her bathroom...she must wonder what i am doing in there for so long! have a good weekend. dayle
you are so funny with the water comment. i need to do that, too, but right after i wake up is probably the busiest part of my day. maybe i could do the hour and a half after i wake up . . .
I want to glow!!! Off to buy lemons :)
hahha love it!
lemon water in the morning huh? might have to do that
Huh, water in the morning... You mean, not walking bleary-eyed like a zombie straight to the coffee pot? Interesting concept...
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