The weekend was largely spent practicing the “ordinary arts”, which included tearing through the girlies’ closets and drawers and weeding out the things that A. they no longer wear or B. no longer fit (constituting over half of their wardrobes collectively). We also did a little room swapping (we moved Bryan's office out of the guest room to make it cozier for my folks) and in the process managed to come up with (wait for it) 14(!) bags of discards to donate. It was epic friends. And surely this speaks to some underlying odd aspect of my personality, but I've never had so much fun. I love getting rid of's addictive. So much so that in the midst of my purging fervor, I inadvertently tossed two pairs of shoes that I still wear...regularly. I was clearly out of control. But I've moved on and am now picturing some kindly stranger happily traipsing around in my shoes. They were only shoes after all, yes?
Beyond the great giveaway of 2011, the rest of the weekend was a mash-up of spending as much time as possible with Bryan's dad (who's not doing so well...) and making banana bread on the advice of my dear friend Kristie who swears by "baking it out" when things start to feel a little out of control.
It works...Truly.
Congratulations! We recently did a major apartment makeover that included purging like we've never purged before. I know how amazingly satisfying it is and how cleansed the energy feels afterwards. I am super impressed though by your calmness in the face of inadvertent shoe donation! Pretty inspiring.
I'm totally with you, I LOVE taking bags to the charity shops. I find it so therapeutic and really clears my head. Horders make me queasy!
PS your artwork arrangements always look so stylish!
I'm sorry to hear he isn't well. I think the aging process is insanely hard to navigate.
And short sleeves still? I'm a bit jealous.
I was eyeing up that Breakfast Lunch Tea book. Do you like it? I have it on my wishlist, but don't own it yet.
kelly -- thanks for your kind words. and yes still short ;-( I'm ready for real fall weather!!
sara -- i really love the Breakfast Lunch Tea book... it's v. inspiring!
I love the term "baking it out." That is what I do...I just didn't have a name for it. Problem is, after I bake it out... I eat it out. Oh well it's part of the destressing, I suppose.
xo Trina
Sorry to hear Bryan's dad isn't doing well. Thinking about you guys.
We are overdue for a purge here. After our purge, I am certain we will break out into a happy dance.
I'm going to have to give the baking out thing a try too. Although, like Trina, I think I may eat all that I bake (by myself while the kids are at school). Maybe I can bake and give to neighbors...
such a fan of simplifying, i imagine that your giveaway bags are full of treasures!
Joslyn--I'm so sorry to hear about your father-in- law. I hope things are looking up soon. I love the idea of "baking it out." Makes me smile. Best wishes to you and your fam. Also, when oh when are we going to be able to buy some of your awesome necklaces??
hello there.
i stumbled in doing an image search. and stayed to read on. :)
i totally understand the addictiveness of decluttering, i'm an addict. lol
I love getting rid of things too--it makes me feel so accomplished :)
And I do think baking makes everything better {until you eat everything you baked in one sitting!}
Fantastic! Getting rid of things certainly makes me feel better too. It's so cleansing.
- Tanya
I love that baking makes things better...but then yes, you have yummy things to eat!!
Could you give us some advice on how you manage to purge so well? I have such trouble getting rid of things.."what if" plagues me - "what if I need this for something?" I SO much want to simplify but have such trouble doing it! Do you have a particular charity you like to donate to?
Best wishes to your family & hopes your father in law is better.
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