(image by Bonnie Tsang)I'm a long-time reader of Sally J Shim's blog
Shim and Sons, which chronicles life with her two young sons and the fantastic work that comes out of her design firm of the same name. I'm just a huge fan of her sensibility and her taste... I love getting a peek into her world. So I was pretty excited when I discovered that she'd launched a second blog,
Sally J Shim, that expands the conversation and gives us an even broader view into the things she loves.
Sally is just one of those supremely cool women friends. She is infinitely inspiring... So I am thrilled to have her sharing her favorites here with us this week.
Without further ado, Sally's list. Enjoy!
A Clean Desk -- My work table might have fabric, thread, paper and craft supplies all over it at any given time but a clean desk is essential when I’m sitting in front of the computer to design or blog.
Lunch Dates With My Husband -- Since we don’t have family nearby or a regular babysitter my husband and I try to have lunch dates at least once a week. It gives us a good excuse to check out new restaurants or visit our favorites and enjoy some one-on-one time together.

(top two images by Bonnie Tsang)
Cobalt Blue -- I love neutrals and you’ll find quite a bit of grey in my wardrobe. But cobalt blue makes me happy, it is the perfect pop of color. Even my sons love cobalt blue!
Using My Hands To Create -- I am slightly obsessed with using my hands to create something whether it be sewing a dress or wrapping up a pretty package. I love creating something meaningful out of raw materials.
Good Food -- I love good food and I will miss all the amazing local restaurants here in Portland after we move to Korea next month. It is inspiring to see people who consistently produce fresh and delicious food. Pok Pok is one of our favorite Portland restaurants.
My Sons’ Artwork -- The back of my studio door is filled with artwork from my two boys. Some of my favorite pieces are those they created when they were three or four years old. My husband and I often find new artwork sitting on our desks waiting to be hung up in our walls.
Simple Bracelets -- Rings are my favorite jewelry to wear but lately I love to wear simple thin bracelets. I have tiny wrists so I was happy to find a few that fit me well. I’m drawn to jewelry with texture and little details.
Changing Leaves -- Every year the changing leaves inspire me in our neighborhood. It often seems like it happens overnight and I enjoy listening to my boys shout out all the colors they see in one tree.
Natural Twine -- I adore creating pretty packages for friends and natural twine is one of my favorite supplies. I love the simplicity of the twine as well as the texture it provides to a package.
Hand Dyed Wooden Beads -- My oldest son made some hand dyed wooden bead necklaces last year for a class project. I love the variation in bead color.
Thanks for the lovely words, Joslyn! Thank you for having me!!
her blogs are really fantastic, this is a great list, thanks!
what a sweet list of sweet things!
i love love love this list sally!!! the necklace is beautiful. and thank you for featuring such a stylish mama joslyn.
sally is always a favorite of mine. Her desk does make mine jealous though ;)
I love Sally's list. I absolutely adore her style & designs.
Very nice - love the necklace!
So perfectly inspiring for a Monday morning. I love Sally's style. One of my favorite Favorites yet! xo
Love the feature on Sally! Is there any way we can get a source for those bracelets?
you can get similar bracelets here:
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