Audrey has this habit of snuggling up next to me each night before she goes to sleep and asking me to tell her all of our plans for the next several days. In detail. The kid loves herself a plan...she's organized like that. Clearly the apple does not fall far from the tree.
When I was growing up, we had very few "plans" per say. This was due to a number of factors, but was likely largely due to the fact that my father spent most of his evenings performing in clubs and at concerts, so the last thing he or my mom wanted to do when he wasn't working was "go out". Suffice to say, we were at home a lot, and (not to go all Freud on you) I think this contributes to my drive to go, go, go.
That said, as you might have gleaned of late, all the "going" is burning us out, so I've really been making a conscious effort to clear the calendar as much as possible. And while I've been pretty psyched about this chunk of newly freed-up time, Audrey was, well... skeptical when during our nightly rehashing of upcoming plans, we got to Friday and I said (wait for it) "no plans" oh and there's "no plans" on Saturday either. She was quiet . I waited for her protest, her complaints of potential boredom, but after a long pause, she just said, "good, I like having no plans."
Here's the thing about not having plans, it leaves the hours open to possibility and spontaneity (something that's woefully lacking in our lives of late). Having an open afternoon or evening allows for a family walk where you might say, run into a friend and in a sort of Mayberry moment decide to pool the contents of your respective pantries and have an impromptu family dinner while the kiddos run around in the backyard. See if you had plans that wouldn't be possible.
So here's what we did with our freewheeling, largely unstructured weekend (in no particular order): milled around for a bit at our 1st annual neighborhood Oktoberfest and watched polka bands / made some necklaces / took the girlies to eat Mexican food at one of our favorite patios in town / cleaned out a couple of desk drawers and cabinets / helped Audrey write a little story / read...a lot.
We ended the weekend with our single premeditated plan -- dinner with three other families on Sunday evening in an idyllic backyard in Ft. Worth. The friendships within the group go back to pre-kids (and in some cases pre-weddings) times, which made for some pretty powerful moments watching all the littles happily frolicking together while the adults drank wine and partook in some reminiscing. It was the perfect ending to a nice, simple, mellow weekend...
the sunday dinner sounds like the perfect grand finale to the ideal weekend!
In my mind no plans are always the best plans. It gives you time to explore and do things you might never do. Sounds like you had a perfect weekend!
Have a lovely week and I can't wait for your One Kings Lane sale on Thursday!
I'm love with the yellow and green dominating your photos
your flower arrangements are GORGEOUS!! i need to have you give me lessons. xo
Your family is so lovely and I really enjoy reading your blog. You so often cut off heads - I would love to see your outfit choices with head attached. :)
i love your driftwood and coral.
Jora -- i wish i could take credit for that arrangement in the first and last photo (the pretty hydrangeas) but that one came from an amazing florist here in Dallas (bows and arrows) the other simple wildflower ones are mine...i just jammed those bad boys in a vase ;-)
My mom was a chronic over-planner, year in advance scheduler. We had plans on top of plans growing up and I always just wished we could "hang out" a bit on weekends. My mom couldn't, and still doesn't, understand the concept of hanging out. Needless to say, now I am super hesitant when scheduling anything on a weekend and I love my lazy hang out time. My daughter does too but if she follows pattern she'll be a scheduler too like her grandma. Funny how that works.
I'm with Hayley on this, and hence ) am much more of an under than an over-scheduler (and my kids make it known that they'd like more plans... more outings- so I try to do a little of both!).
My brother, however- is exactly like my mom, and their family is always on the go (which is a big part of why my kids want to do the same).
so fun to exit babyland to read your sweet and simple thoughts on the weekend of 'no plans'... there is something magic about letting the universe plot your next move. oxo
Your weekend sounds great! Love the new look of your living room, especially the throw on the back of the sofa! Is it Dwell Studio?
And yes, the throw on the back of the couch is from DwellStudio.
I love seeing photos of your beautiful home really is gorgeous and speaks to me. Warmth, sophisticated, beautiful and did I say warm? :) I just love it....thanks for sharing your "no plans". I love those the best....
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