By all accounts, there are any number of reasons that this weekend should have been "perfect" -- we had a picnic at the Performing Arts Center while taking in (free!) live performances by The Orbans and Destry on Thursday, it (finally) rained, we reveled in the distinct feeling of autumn swirling around us as we walked down the block Friday evening to have dinner at our friends' house, Audrey and I had a great mother/daughter "date" on Saturday, we took the girlies to a festive fall carnival later that evening where we rode rides and played games and partook in general merrymaking...
All good yes??
But somehow, amidst the goodness, I felt distinctly off my game. I can't pinpoint the exact cause, but there's a distinct "chasing my tail" thing happening right now that might be at the root. Now I should note that typically I'm not a fan of talking about being "busy" or "overwhelmed". I think the more people talk about it the more that state of being becomes a sort of badge of honor. It's not a good thing. But (here goes) friends... I am busy and feeling a bit overwhelmed. No matter how many items I scratch off the to-do list, it seems to keep growing longer. I feel like I'm always frantically racing and doing everything sort of (pardon the vulgarity) half-assed. But most of all, I'm frustrated with myself for letting it get like this...I tend to think most of the stress is due to my inability to say "no", so I firmly take responsibility for my current state.
But admission is progress, yes? I know it's time to say "uncle" and embrace the lazy a bit...that's the plan at least. We'll see how it goes.
Ditto, ditto, and ditto. I'm so feeling this post.
These photos look great!
I love free community events :]
I totally understand, as our weekends are typically very full. (Btw, I always look forward to your Monday posts to see what fun and interesting things you did with your girls over the weekend.) This summer we bought annual passes to Disneyland, which is absolutely magical with little girls ages 2 and almost 4. This weekend, we had amazingly few plans. On Saturday, we ended up spending the day at my parents' house and that night before going to bed, my older one asked what our plans were for the following day. I had been considering going to Disneyland again, but hadn't decided for sure, so didn't want to bring it up. I told her that I didn't know yet, but what would she like to do (fully expecting her to say "go to Disneyland"), and her reply was to "stay home together." Wow. And that we did. We had a glorious day of playing in the backyard all morning, ordering in, baking treats for school, watercolors, reading together. You get so much wonderful stuff done when you resolve to do nothing.
I've been feeling the same way. Here's to saying "NO" a little more often :).
I must tell you... That picture (2nd from the bottom) is absolutely beautiful.
so important to take a breather every once in a while. i hate the feeling of doing everything half-assed and nothing super well. you need that time to recharge... :)
Where do u get your gorgeous necklace supplies?
Can't tell you how much I heart the sharing of the sweater picture.
As an adult woman, my mother has taught me this and I am so thankful...
To claim what is mine... my thoughts, ideas and my time with our family... to own it and to not let the opinions of others matter... because what matters most is what is right here at home...
sweets, no need to be frustrated with yourself! observe, learn and move forward. we all have off times. xo
We can only do so much and there's no RIGHT way to do these things. No right feelings, either. You are making progress by being aware of how you feel. Be patient with yourself and you'll start to feel the balance again. xoxo
If it's any consolation I think September is always a little crazy - getting back into a schedule after the whirlwind of summer - and I think your "half-assed" is probably better than most people's full effort - go easy on yourself lady ;) ps - that new necklace is BEYOND!
thank you for saying that out loud. truth be told, thought you had it all figured out. your posts are a favorite of mine b/c they inspire me to take my half-assed attempts of being present with my girls up a level. now i feel like 'yes', we can take it easy on ourselves. and it's all good.
I am really loving your necklaces.....would you be interested in selling any?
Audrey's necklace is awesome. I love it.
Is it your husband who takes all those chestal shots of you? ;) I know my husband likes to take those of me.
your comment made me laugh out loud! i'm definitely planning to use the word "chestal" moving forward...awesome!
acutally he takes the shots of me with my head in the frame, but i always crop it out...but now i'll be aware of the chestal quality of the images ;-)
Hi lizzy
I have sold a couple to folks that are interested. Shot me an e-mail ( there's a particular one you love and we can discuss details!
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