Take for example the bangs I had cut back in December. Audrey was kindly quiet upon first seeing them, saying ever so diplomatically, "I just have to get used to them mama". She's sweet like that. Millie's response was swift and emphatic, as she dramatically exclaimed, "What happened to your old hair...put it back". That one, well...she's not so concerned with "the feelings".
But (as I've already documented) the bangs made me feel instantly different. More so really than any other "beauty" related change I'd made in a decade. I was a bit hooked...searching for that next quick hit.
Enter lovely cousin Erin, who, while I was futzing around with some wimpy bangs, loped off her shoulder length brown hair, dyed it platinum blond and styled it to match my four-year old daughter's do. She's brave. She also regularly, and with aplomb, sports red lipstick. Last weekend she showed up for a swim (!) at my house sporting a simple, chic black maillot, a straw fedora and perfect red lips. In the words of my friend Sharon, she looked like she belonged on the rooftop of the Standard Hotel... Needless to say, the entire ensemble was awesome, but it was her red lips that had me obsessing.
After the swim, we went inside, crouched in front of the one available mirror in the one corner of my house that wasn't overtaken with renovation detritus, and I swiped some on (this is my excuse for the bad, dark photos above, FYI). Now I should note that up until this point, I have never, ever worn red lipstick. Ever. It's just not been my thing. But I've been jonesin' to give it a whirl, it is, after all, only lipstick. The most temporary of changes, yes?
I felt instantly different, dressier, and (oddly since red lipstick usually feels really mature to me) younger. It was fun. So much so that I'm planning to officially work it into my repertoire.
And this time I have Millie's full buy-in. In her exact words, "ooh pretty red lips, I LOVE them. I want them." (Scary, I know.) Audrey, on the other hand, isn't sold on my plan. After a long "thinking period", she finally told me in the car last night that she just didn't think red lips were my style. When I asked her what my style was, she said, "you know, plainish. Your normal lips, only shiny."
Duly noted Audrey. And I appreciate your kind honestly, but I'm still going to bust out that red lipstick from time-to-time. It can't be helped.
I have the best intentions when putting on a red lip, but usually wipe it off before leaving the house. I need to be brave and just rock the bold, red lip!
You are the sweetest mom ever. I love listening to all your stories about your kids.
red lips are one of those things i go back and forth with. sometimes i feel clownish because i'm usually planish (as audrey would put it) only shiny. I like to use lip stains. that's my in between, plus the maintenance is low.
i love the way you felt about your bangs. i have gone back and forth for years. it's how i change it up. the first time i did betty paigish bangs i almost crashed my car because every time i caught my reflection i couldn't believe it was me.
So...what color is that? Very lovely!
you look sexy! i just started using some revlon orange flip creme lipstick and i feel like a new person. more spunky and summery. oh course i blot the heck out of it after i put it on, but instant mood changer because you have to be happy with orange lipstick on:)
LOVE IT!!! Instant pick-me-up!!
i love the innocent truth of children. both my older boys are quick to tell me to "never ever cut my hair" & "don't pull it up". they definitely know what they like and are not shy to share.
i've done the red lips from time to time but now that I have a wee one and find myself kissing him all over, I stick to lip gloss, otherwise he would be covered in my lips.
Red lipstick is on my figure out how to do list. You look lovely and so glamorous. What color is it?
yes, do share the color.
I like reading the stories about your girls. It reminds me of my own sometimes. I have one more concerned with feelings and one who is more blunt too. The baby, who knows....
my husband shares Audrey's view on makeup,but I'm with sweet Milly on this one
So funny! I say go for it! I love red lips but also know that I don't feel like I can pull them off on a daily basis because I think in my life it'd just be too much. But when I get a day off and want to feel a little snazzier and braver and funner and sexier and more adventurous, red lips always does it. I'm going to buy myself a bright fuchsia lipstick this weekend and see what that does for me. I'm giddy with anticipation!
Love these stories you post about your girlies - it's so fun to hear real life stories about what's going on. It's funny different they are with their opinions about things. Can't wait to meet them one day!
PS. The pool looks divine!!
i'm new to the red lipstick also. one thing's for sure--you have to be brave to wear red lipstick. people with red lips get noticed.
i think you look fab.
you rock the red lips, and i believe the sun-kissed skin via a la pool is the perfect complement to the 'new' look.
REd lips....what fun!....smiles
i too love the stories about your girls and their opinions - like the figure skating story. very thoughtful.
thanks for sharing.
Your red lips are gorgeous... Also, I kind of like the dark photo... very pretty. The only red lipstick that I wear is MAC Russian Red... Check it out.
I love the honesty of children.
I think you look amazing, beautiful.
Wear what makes you feel happy, sexy, strong...
Love your experiments!
I was starting to fall into a 'I should dress more like a 'mom' mindset. Lip and nail colors sound like a great place to start, maybe shelve the 'ombre hair' idea for a while! Thanks for reminding me of the exhilaration of trying a new look!
can i ask where the pretty gauzy top is from? the combination of that with red lips is exquisite.
You look fabulous - more beautiful than any model. I used to wear lipstick all the time - a darker red- but once a friend said it looked Mumsy on me, so opted for lipglossy thing. But I'm going to try red-ish lips again.
thanks for all your kind words friends!
Unfortunately I'm not sure of the lip color... it was a long-wearing lipstain that Erin had in her bag, and the name was worn off.
That said, it was a little too long-wearing (it took me forever to scrub it off), so I would probably go another route anyway...
I'm planning to pick up a tube of Nars "Heat Wave" this weekend (it's what all the girlies in the J. Crew catalog are wearing...a little more of an orangy red). I'll let you guys know how that works out.
Also, the top is a bathing suit coverup from Target.
I love the 'dark bad photos'... Looks kinda mysterious & dreamy :).
I bought a reddish/orangy shade for a retro party that we hosted, but I haven't been daring enough (yet) to wear it with out the 'dress-up' attire. You're inspiring me to do so... soon.
(love the cover-up too!)
p.s. My word verification was "heart" ... just thought I'd share :).
oooh Torrie that's the BEST word verification
Ok, so lip color she has on is Cover Girl outlast lip color: ever red-dy #507
And yes, it is impossible to get off with out Vaseline. Hence why it is perfect poolside or in general cause I hate reapplying lipstick.
I warned joslyn about that.
There was a time I went out in Vegas with the color and didn't have to reapply the whole next day because of the dryness.... If you are into that. Or use Vaseline. Works like a charm.
You can get it here: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&client=safari&q=cover+girl+outlast+507&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=981&bih=632&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=15594478634134086248&sa=X&ei=rWnxTe-RItKgtwelutHtAg&ved=0CGkQ8wIwAg
i spent 2 hours in nordstroms looking for the perfect red lipstick, not orange, not too bluey red... and i came across the georgio armani red lipstick, the make up girls, also gave me a tip for it not to bleed, eyebrow pencil wax... yes you outline the outside of your lips, it works wondrous. i fully recommend, and man red lips are perfect thing when you don't want to put any makeup on, just the lipstick. you look like an instant rockstar!
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