The weekend was all about burgers...
Sure there was also a grown-up night out, our sweet friend Ava's birthday party, a trip to the zoo on the hottest day of the year (because clearly we are brilliant) and a bit of swimming (but not in our pool...don't ask). I also took respite in our air conditioned (albeit empty and still jacked-up) house and made necklaces with the girlies out of wooden beads and fabric scraps that Christine kindly donated to the cause, whipped up a batch of homemade ice cream sandwiches and finished Bossypants (v. funny).
But mostly there were burgers. Three to be exact. In as many days. It was not a good scene friends, but it couldn't be helped. I'm a sucker for a good burger. And it was Memorial Day weekend, which, as holidays go, is rather burgerish, don't ya think?
Suffice to say, it's salads for the rest of the week.
Sounds like the perfect holiday weekend! Hope you are doing well. I've been missing you lately. xx
Gardenias!!! You can grow those in Dallas?! I guess that means maybe I can grown some here in Austin, too. And don't beat yourself up about the burgers, I ate two just yesterday!
yum, burgers seem to go with memorial day, yes. hope your pool is done soon so you can enjoy the summer!
Ha! I had 2 burgers this weekend. We discovered a new place right next door to our house and now I feel like I'm on constant danger. No memorial day weekend excuse over here in Spain, just pure gluttony! And yeah, I had a salad for lunch today ;)
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