Friends, I'm not going to house is jacked up. Big time. Almost every room is in disarray. There are very few spots that still retain vestiges of their (somewhat) normal state. Audrey's room, the kitchen, the dining room and the guest room are still pretty much ok, but the rest of the house, well...not so much.
I'm a visual person and a nester. I just am, always have been. Puttering around my house, tweaking things, setting them right, making little arrangements -- this is my hobby, my therapy, my refuge. So needless to say, I'm feeling a little unmoored of late.
As a coping strategy, I'm trying to focus on the wee spots of normalcy. Sort of like a woman in labor that fixates on a single object while she's breathing through a contraction (only without the mind-bending pain). Ok that might have been a stretch. See told you...unmoored.
Herewith some of the spots I'm taking refuge in. Let's call them the "spots of sanity", cool?
Oh! friend do I understand what you are going through! OH dear. I did this for three months, and my way of coping was to just ignore everything around me! It was hard, but I just tuned it all out, the workers kept saying "wow, you really have a great personality for remodeling!" Inside I was itching! Honestly, still not recovered, that is why I haven't posted photos yet, my brain can't handle the solitude...the clean...can't.compute. All this to say, I FEEL you sister. Sending you calming vibes.
LOVEn' my love!
I love your little vignettes! That last shot of your kids' room is SO perfect. I know my 3 year old would love that space, and I wouldn't mind playing there too!
loving the le lapin print in Audrey's room!
hope your nest is tidy and lovely again soon.
Gorgeous! The bookcases, the dining room table, the it all.
do i spy the pool thru the kitchen window?! my coping tactic is "future fantasy land". just imagine your house put back together but better (if that's possible-your house is so good) after the mess. imagine littles splashing in the pool (no arguing!) and you enjoying it all (and a drink!) by the pool. it will all be settled soon...
poor baby jos xxxoooo
Your shots are so pretty. Hang in there...
my fave is the kitchen shot.... above the stove! are those cooling racks for baking? why do they look so amazing up there? i guess i should dig mine out of the darkness in that drawer under the stove and put them up. how do you think of these things? amazing!
I adore your kitchen counter. The vase with the glass over it is really cute. I must try that look.
I don't do well when the house is in disarray either. I'm thinking there is going to be a lot of that in the coming weeks and so I'm going to try your coping mechanism of focusing on "spots of sanity."
Audrey's room is so fun - glad I got to see the bunny poster and I'm thinking I need some greenery in my house. It just makes me happy looking at yours.
xo trina
you're cute. and these spots of sanity are lovely.
Oh goodness...I totally understand how you feel (and p.s. I've cried on the floor about living in a huge mess during the La Maisonnette renovation too) Our inner ocd just can't help itself. Hang in there friend, it'll all be over soon!
I have the same exact copy of The Agony and the Ecstasy on my front table. Have you read it yet? It's been on my list since my junior year of college ... which was a little while ago.
It's amazing because to me, I'm practically ready to move into your house having seen this pictures.
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