I first met Landis at a dinner the first evening of Alt Summit back in January. I'd like to say I was immediately struck by how cool and smart and talented she is (because, as I later learned, she is in fact all those things...big time) but really (and you know I'm nothing if not honest), I was coveting her jacket. I may have even told her I wanted to steal it. It was that good.
But onto the cool and smart and talented part... Landis is a regular writer for Apartment Therapy's Re-Nest, frequently (and quite eloquently) discussing such near and dear to me topics as her quest to live a more simple, meaningful, environmentally friendly life.
Lucky for us, she recently launched her own stellar blog as well, Mint Peach, which documents her love affair with the 1922-built home in Maplewood, New Jersey where she and her husband live and their quest to constantly improve it through her focus on modern simple living and heirloom-quality design. A gifted potter, Landis is also in the process of launching Mint Peach Home, a line of stoneware pottery and table linens.
See...cool, smart, talented. So I'm excited she's agreed to share her favorites with us this week.
Without further ado, Landis' list. Enjoy and have a lovely Mother's Day weekend!

Anything that celebrates our space, we adore: family gatherings; candlelit dinners; Sunday pancakes with the newspaper; those weekend projects that make our old home young again.
Afternoons on the Porch. Lazy summer afternoons spent on the porch with a book are a luxury. The walls are light and the sun is filtered by the giant trees overhead. As snow falls in the middle of winter, I often dream of the day when I can rest there on the couch with the deeply colored bead board overhead.
Fabric. I love bright fabrics and sewing table linens. I’m five weeks into the adventure that is a paper napkin and paper towel–free kitchen. How fun it is to turn to my cotton favorites!
Dark Walls and Bright Flowers. Richly colored dining room walls with bright flowers set table center steal my heart. It’s a welcomed sight anytime you step in the door or catch a glimpse as you pass by.
Ball Jars. Ball jars had me at hello. I’m not sure at what age I first saw them used as drinking glasses, but I’m guessing I was about five and dining with my grandparents at a Cracker Barrel somewhere near Memphis, TN. They are so sturdy and full of purpose that I sometimes serve wine in them. Shhh, don’t tell.
Russel Wright Water Pitcher. Atop my list of favorites is our “American Modern” water pitcher by Russel Wright. A thoughtful wedding gift, it adorned our bookshelf like a piece of art for several years. That is, until I began the project Living with Less and realized its usefulness. It now sits on our kitchen table, full of water, ready to hydrate.
Homemade Sweets. Homemade summer deserts like Lemon Curd is a favorite. Adding fresh mint from our garden makes it that much sweeter.
Mid-century Finds. Mid-century inspired furniture fits so well in our 1922-proportioned home. We’re living in the dimensions of the past; it’s a tricky challenge, but especially sweet when the beautifully detailed furniture you love so, fits quite well.
There’s almost nothing grander than finding gems of furniture and décor. This cabinet of storage and drawers originates from the 1960s. It’s wonderfully useful, sitting in our living room, there to catch us as we come in the door.Jonquils. Nothing says spring like a garden full of jonquils; those are my mom’s words, she grew up in Tennessee. While in college in South Carolina, I remember them peeking out where you least expected them. They were everywhere, but were the most welcomed sight. Still today, I smile at their presence, and think of my mom and the warmer days to come.
Bright Coats. Here in Maplewood, spring is trying to spring, but every so often, it’s downright chilly. That’s when I pull out a brightly colored mid-weight wool coat to get me through. As I walk past the jonquils and tulips, the colors mix and I smile.
I love the Amy Butler fabric you've chosen for your napkins!!!
great list and I'm excited to check out her blog!
Geez, thanks for introducing me to Landis. She definitely does seem like the cool, smart, talented and inspiring type based on her favorites and glimpses of her home. Cannot wait for her line!
Just a Silhouette
Hi there, readers! A big thank you for your sweet comments and Joslyn's kind words :)
great post. my mind is still reeling at the idea of no paper towels!! How is that even possible?!
She looks and sounds like a lady I could love. off to check out her blog.
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