
Some Scenes From The Weekend...

(me + the girlies in a rare full-face shot...it happens every once in a while)

The girlies were on spring break last week, but since we take a week off in April for our annual beach trip, we attempted to work around them with varying degrees of success (but mostly we failed miserably.)

It's insanely hard trying to work while the kiddos are underfoot, so I fear they mostly got an irritable, distracted, snappish mama during their official break from school. I am confessing this to you guys in an attempt to feel slightly less rotten about the whole enterprise. So thanks for that.

We did manage to fit in a (super) quick trip to San Antonio that (when I wasn't vying for the title of grumpiest parent of 2011) was pretty lovely. We stayed at the magical Hotel Havana (thanks to the fantastic Mr. and Mrs. Smith...full report coming soon) and spent most of the trip knocking around the riverwalk and consuming far too much mexican food and ice cream. Good times.

Then there was yesterday's Dallas Clayton reading at Little Bean. There's something about a wholly exuberant + inspiring guy reading aloud about dreaming big, wild dreams and practicing gratitude to somehow make you step out of your head, ditch the grumbling and fully acknowledge your blessings.

It was the perfect ending to the week. For sure.


  1. Sounds like the perfect little trip to San Antonio. Can't wait to get a re-cap on the hotel. Eric's twin is moving to Houston this August so I see a lot of Texas trips in our future :)


  2. Sounds like we had mutual grumpy parenting weeks;) Mine was sick and the hubs was at sxsw so I just gave up trying to work!
    Anyways!! Fun, fun staying at the Havana...Chris and I got married there and I've been dying to go back and see how they've changed it up...so dreamy!

  3. beautiful pics, jos. lady, you are gettin' good.wish we could have been at the book signing. xoxo

  4. I visited San Antonio when I was nine and was on a solo trip to visit my Uncle in Houston I remember thinking it was magical. I bet your girls did too. We all have the occasional grumpy parent weeks it proberly wasn't as bad as you think it was!!!

  5. Love loooooove the last photo with the purple balloon. Does it get any better than that?

  6. aww, super cute! They will not remember you were grumpy, only that you got to take a fun trip! Weee!

  7. enlarge the last image to fill an entire wall ~ it's that incredibly wonderful!

  8. Sounds like so much fun. Would love to hear how you liked using Mr. and Mrs. Smith? I have it bookmarked but have not used it yet.
    love the cotton candy shot!

  9. Hi! I've been meaning to leave you a comment for so long now but usually just get so inspired by your posts that i must immediately run off and improve my life, home, closet, something! :) Or, I get called away by one of my own girlies! So finally, it looks like I'm getting it together to let you know what a huge source of joy and inspiration you are to me. Since leaving my job and having the new baby I've been more isolated from the world than I'm used to or like, but through your posts I feel that I'm touch with all I love. Everything you say and like I love and agree with, even if I wouldn't be able to find the right words in my current sleep-deprived state. I am also so impressed by all you do and how many interests you have (I just took a look at your new project! Love it so much, and I don't even live in Dallas!). I like doing a lot of different things and find it hard sometimes to make sense of it all in terms of a whole "life," but you make it all seem to align perfectly. I recently read a book titled "The Renaissance Soul" that addresses this kind of living, where all sorts of talents and passions are explored and developed at once. I think you might like it too. I will make a point to leave you more comments since I'm here like 3 times a day looking for a lift :) But for now: Thank you, Joslyn, really! Patricia

  10. Oh, almost forgot! Today I bought a Michelle Armas painting. Am so thrilled and of course owe this to your mention of her work!

  11. looks like a great weekend. and I'm sure you were not as bad as you say. kids are resilient, right?

  12. I know this is about the kids and all, but I am kind of in love with your sofa!


  13. is that the boden tunic? do you like? trying to decide if i need it :)

  14. are those giant paper planes alongside the purple balloons? too cool!

  15. ok, i can't decide if i appreciate your lovely weekend or if i am just plain jealous...maybe a little of both. you make me mix texas so darn much!
    xo t


  16. Oh how lovely. The first picture is such treasure. x

  17. the last photo is dynamite... seriously! great post... I hate it when the snappy, crazy mama comes out in me... I actually said a dozen prayers last week on my way to pick Henry up from school... just praying that I would be a patient loving mommy... It actually has seemed to work ;)

  18. I love your sandals in the first picture. Where did you purchase? Thnx.

  19. I love that picture.... you all look so happy and pretty and just perfect. Sounds like a really fun weekend. Don't feel bad about the snapping... it happens. Have a great week!
    xo Trina

  20. I admit I couldn't get past that sofa either. I'm falling in love with velvet sofas right now and I love that this one just has velvet seat cushions. It looks so comfortable, lived in and effortlessly elegant. I also imagine it would get better with age as that velvet slowly rubs away.

  21. Thanks for all the lovely comments friends...You guys are the BEST!

    Michelle -- so cool that you guys got married there! you should definitely go back...it's so fantastic under Liz Lambert's expert taste.

    Smartbear -- I loved working with Mr. and Mrs. Smith...would highly recommend!

    Patricia -- your comment made my day (year!) i put that book on my list. thank you.

    Nomadic D and Emma -- fantastic sofa, yes...but sadly not mine. It was at the hotel.

    Molly -- The tunic is from Chance. The boden one is cute too, but I wear that one from Chance all the time. It's one of my favorite pieces of clothing by far.

    r's adventures -- yep paper planes!

    Laura -- the sandals are from Nordstrom Rack a couple of years ago...

  22. Oh how cool you got to meet Dallas Clayton! The closest he's come to my neck of the woods to do a reading is LA (not close). Looks like fun! :)

  23. I also know this is about the kids, but I am totally in love with your shoes in the first picture!
    Would you mind sharing where they're from?
