
Scenes from The Weekend...

So, I'm happy to report that the girlies and I survived our grand adventure in New York...In fact (despite a few epic meltdowns, some delayed flights and an awful lot of rain) we had a pretty rockin' time.

The purpose of the trip was to attend a dress-up tea party at the Plaza sponsored by Electrolux to help support the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund’s initiative to help find a cure* -- a hugely important cause, so we're honored to be a part of the efforts to raise funds... And at one point during the dress/costume jewelry donning, hair primping, tea sipping (in the home of Eloise) hoopla, Millie looked up at me and said, "this is the best day of my life". I'm honestly not sure what to do with that information, but it was awfully sweet nonetheless.

She also told me during the car ride back to our hotel that Kelly Ripple (as Millie calls her) is a "beautiful barbie"... and really, who could argue with that assessment.

(* You can go here to join Kelly's virtual tea party for a cause. When you do, Electrolux will donate $1 to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund.)

millie' s dress courtsey of the children's place and audrey's dress courtsey of crewcuts

Beyond the tea party extravaganza, we managed to fit in all sorts of other goodness during our 48 hour trip... There was dinner at The Standard Grill with our friends Molly and Christiane (and Christiane's sweet daughter who was Audrey's partner in crime in commandeering the Standard's photo booth for a good portion of the evening) followed by an attempt to get the littles into the Boom Boom Room for some dancing (sadly, we were unsuccessful, as the hostesses were pretty adamant about the 18 and older admittance policy).

We had dinner the next night with Molly and her family at their fantastic apartment in Brooklyn (Molly is our NYC fairy godmother...my girls are in love with her), and it would have been a perfect evening had Millie not fallen asleep in Molly's lap on the subway, stayed asleep through a walk in the rain, a cab drive, all of dinner, playtime after dinner and the ride back to Manhattan, and then waken-up (totally re-charged and ready to play) just as Audrey and I were falling into bed (exhausted) at our hotel. Let's just say it was an interesting night.

Other (major) highlights included a visit to the butterfly conservatory and "whale room" at the Museum of Natural History (totally amazing), lunch and a some DIY projects at Moomah (maybe the most blissful three hours I've spent with my girls) and a highly satisfying spin through MoMA.

The trip was hard, I'm not going to sugar-coat it friends. But it was a huge confidence booster that I could pull-off (major) solo travel with the girls. (I felt a little like superwoman when I finally got off the plane in Dallas late Friday night.) I was also hugely heartened and encouraged by how much the girls seemed to take in during our time in the city. They asked questions, they observed, noticing things that they don't normally see (and most important, they acted on them).

Audrey was particularly affected by the homeless people she encountered, which was the perfect opening for a conversation about how rare it is to be doing what we were doing -- to be in the city, enjoying it in the way we were, was something that most people would never get the chance to do. I didn't go to New York for the first time until I was in my mid-20's...I saved for months to stay for two nights in a shoddy little hotel in Times Square, and it was hugely special and memorable.

I want the girls to really truly know how lucky and blessed they are when they get to have these experiences. I want them to soak it in, to let it marinate in their little sub-consciousnesses and then somehow really use it...give it back fully and then some.

Fingers crossed.


  1. Amazing post! I'm so glad the trip was a success. It must be lovely watching them observe new surroundings and uplifting to know their observations are so keen and kind.

  2. It looks like you have a fine trip. Thanks for sharing the details of your adventure.

    mb from Dallas

  3. your weekend sounds magical! i also follow jenna's blog (sweet fine day) and saw your audrey in a photo with mia and claudine, and now i see them in your photo too! :-)

  4. Ok, I think I might have liked the Eloise dress up party the best too. I'm a long time Eloise fan. What an amazing trip, memory and accomplishment. I so admire you and can't wait to take a trip like this one day with my girly.

  5. What a sweet post, and the pictures of your girls taking it all in are so beautiful. Just wanted to let you know that these posts of you and your family are really heart-warming. Thanks for sharing with the world!

  6. Sounds like such a wonderful mommy and girls weekend! I bet they will always remember it--definitely worth it the hard work of traveling alone with kids. I've done it and it is challenging!! I'd love to hear more about your time at Moomah, too. I so wish we had something similar near us...

  7. what a great trip joslyn, isn't it fun to see the city through their eyes! they get so excited by the most un obvious things... I love kelly ripple... I mean BARBIE! perfect! we were in that same photo booth at the standard on MONDAY (last week!) how funny! - your photos are beautiful!! thanks for making me smile today!

  8. Sounds like you lovely ladies had a wonderful trip to NYC - next time I want to join in on the Eloise party . . . what fun! I remember my parents taking me on trips at the at age and I truly cherish every moment on each trip. It opens up your eyes to new things that not a lot of kids get to experience.

  9. So lovely. Proud of you for holding it together. The solo travel with kiddies is not for the faint of heart. Last summer when our little realized she & I were not deplaning on a layover in Chicago she screamed, "I have to get out of here. I need air! I need my freedom!" for 15 minutes.

    Happily she loves to travel, is 5 now & NYC is our next big adventure with her this spring or summer. Thanks for all the good ideas for things she'll love to do.

  10. children are my favorite partners in crime when visiting the museum. great shots!

  11. You're brave and should be proud! I'm nervous about traveling solo with one next month.

    The trip sounds lovely! Looks like you made many sweet memories. There really is nothing better than experiencing life through the lens of a curious child.

  12. This post makes my heart swell. I'm so glad you pulled through the chaotic parts and were able to enjoy that time with your girls. Sounds like they are very thoughtful and I'm sure they had a wonderful time.

  13. How fun! I'm very impressed, I haven't tried solo travel yet with my two girls (age 4.5 and 3 yrs old). In fact, the idea scares me to death! It sounds like you made some great memories with them during this trip.

  14. What wonderful photos and words. You did really well and what a great time at the Eloise hotel!

  15. Oh Yeah Mind Blowing your recently post and lovely story shared. Cool idea and beautiful your all pics. Cute and lovely baby's really nice look.thanks for nice posting
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  16. What a lovely adventure! And I'm afraid that Millie is already much more the fashionista than I am, decades later!

  17. What a magical trip! Your girls look like beautiful little travelers in all of the photos....what amazing memories!

  18. wow, what a great mom to give your kids those awesome memories!! so gorgeous. i love the way you live. so embracing of all the beautiful.

  19. I saw your girlies on Extra last night (Weds 3/16) -- I recognized Millie's dress so I rewound the segment. Both of them were in it!
