
Blogger's Favorites -- Michelle of Armas Design

image via armas design

Michelle Armas is wickedly funny...

One more than one occasion, I've opened an e-mail from her or clicked over to her (totally fantastic) blog and laughed out loud (I maybe even guffawed). I like a funny girl, I do.

She's also (and I know you already know this) a brilliant artist...one of my all-time favorites even. Her paintings are gorgeous and wild and colorful. They are instant happy-makers. As I'm typing this, I'm realizing in describing her paintings, I could be describing her...

Gorgeous, wild and colorful. Michelle, lady, you rock!

So without further ado, herewith Michelle's favorites. Enjoy and have a splendid weekend!

BigBang Studio blog. Run by Lily Stockman as she lives in India for a year with her husband and paints in her beautiful studio. Her paintings are really great, but I just love her blog. This post in particular shows her great style, eye for color and makes me so envious of her amazing adventure! Plus she is super nice. Sigh. (images via LilyStockman)

Kelly Louise Judd, artist. I have two of her sweetly dark prints, and I love them! I especially love her new pillows, so dreamy and spooky and wonderful! Her shop on Etsy, Swan Bones Theater is great. (images Kelly Louise Judd)

This raw porcelain hurricane from Isabella Bramson. I love the repetition and the slightly random quality, plus light peaking through the holes would look soo dreamy. (images via Isabella Bramson)

Dannijo. Pretty much anything from store Dannijo. But especially this cuff... WHAT? Amazing.

Rox and Fin. This stunning (and not over-exposed) Joseph Frank Rox and Fin print on linen...sigh

This vase, also from the same store, is stunning, like a true gem!

Satire! I love humor, no, scratch that, I need humor in my life. I can be easily over stimulated, so I don't have a TV, or even watch one when I am somewhere else, no radio, no news (I get the important stuff when I need to), nothing. Except...I love radio programs, or podcasts.

My all time- hands down favorite is a Times Online (UK) Satirical Newspaper called The Bugle. Comedians Andy Zaltzman and John Oliver (of Daily Show fame) make me laugh so hard, and make all of the horrible, unbearable world events and corrupt world leaders not only palatable, but addictive! I can't get enough, if you enjoy laughing, you will enjoy The Bugle. Download here + Learn more here. (image via the colonial theatre)

Nellie McKay's music. I especially love Mother of Pearl (which starts off "Feminists don't have a sense of humor...") This interview with her on Fresh Air is great, she is adorable. I guess this also falls under satire! (image via NYMag)

Ice cold Lemon Cello, preferable from Italy. This bottle, that my awesome mother in law brought home from northern Italy is soo tasty, just the thing to mix with water (or vodka, or nothing!) for a refreshing afternoon cocktail.

Santa Maria Hotel in Florence, and the amazing fragrances that come from there too. This is my idea of a perfect hotel, and a perfect vacation always has to have a perfect hotel.

Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn't add
this bacon to the list, b/c the world needs to know, they need it.


Jane Flanagan said...

I adore her work and this list is so fabulous. Limoncello is a must-have drink for me too.

Kayla Poole said...

Ah that Michelle. She's one of my favorites in this big, vast internet world and this list makes me love her more. I am a proud owner of one of her originals and am looking at it with a smile as I type this.

Anonymous said...

i discover those jewels and the website, it's so original !!

Fern and Feather said...

I love this.... so much synchronicity in this post.... just sent Lily Stockman and Michelle's site to a client looking for art...
Michelle I am a huge fan!

nelya said...

She is so awesome and I'm so glad to get an more in depth view into Michelle the artist and Michelle the person. What a fabulous and fascinating list.

Our Green Nest said...

Yes indeed, LOVE Michelle! We're very proud owners of one of her originals as well...it makes us so very happy! And she is indeed hilarious.

The littlest said...

thanks for sharing joslyn. i am so excited to spend time on her blog. i'm going to pour myself a big glass of limoncello and spray my SM Novella perfume all over my house before I begin the journey! and also excited about Lily's blog - I am going to India over the summer (yuck) and hopefully will get some tips.

Good + Happy Day said...

Wonderful... and perfect timing for me as I just purchased my first Michelle Armas original. What a cool, inspiring and fun woman, in addition to being a great artists.

bigBANG studio said...

Homegirl is HYSTERICAL, and her joie de vivre is so evident in her stunning, lyrical, beautifully original work. Love reading about her favorite links and inspiration (and tickled pink to be included!). Thanks both for such a fun post! xo

Style Dilettante said...

The cuff, the hurricane... love your aesthetic!


paula said...

sh is so talented, of course I would love all her favorites.

Anna said...

My, her work is truly inspired!

Anonymous said...

Great, original list.

Lexi said...

I love absolutely everything from Dannijo. That cuff is stunning!

xox Lexi
Glitter & Pearls

Elena Olson said...

You are right about the soap...it's amazing! Did you know that the soaps actually come from the church of the same name in Florence and have been made by dominican monks since the early 1200's? Santa Maria Novella one of the most beautiful places in Florence.


Love love love the blog...