
Blogger's Favorites -- Caitlin of Sacramento Street

(image collage via Sacramento Street: office via Convoy, tray via Jayson Home and Garden, notebook via Brook Farm General Store, tote via Clare Vivier, maryjanes via Marais, pillow via Oriental Creations)

I'm just going to cut to the chase here, I love Caitlin's blog. Love it.

It's immensely lovely and inspiring and stylish. Pretty much, well...a total reflection of her. Spending time with her at Alt was by far a highlight. She's incredibly funny and smart (she's also supermodel tall and stunning...seriously what is it with all the tall/stunning design bloggers???).

Truly I was awfully tempted to just "steal" that collage above and all her picks below and just say it was my list today...I like it all that much. But I decided not to, bad juju and all ;-)

So without further ado, herewith my friend Caitlin's fantastic list... Enjoy and have a splendid weekend!

I've fallen head-over-heels in love with The Closet Visit - penned by artist Jeana Sohn, who visits creative and stylish ladies closets. It's full of inspiration. My brain is on outfit inspiration overload with each new post she uploads.

Sky high ceilings are something I look for in every home. It makes a home feel twice as big. On another note, tea time. You'll always find me with a cup of tea - morning, noon and night.

Jewelry - over the past year I've acquired a lot of jewels. They add a little bling to every outfit.

Steven Alan's Spring 2011 collection is effortless and chic. Doesn't it make you crave balmy summer days?

A beautiful kitchen - a girl can dream, right?

Last but not least, waking up early every morning for a leisurely breakfast. It's the best indulgence!


  1. I absolutely adore Caitlin, great personality and incredibly sweet

  2. This are wonderful picks - love that jewelery, and that breakfast looks delish and healthy!

  3. Love Caitlin and love her favorites ....all of them. Wish we could sit in kitchen like that and visit over a cup of tea, today!

  4. i love the way you put that...

    over the past year i've acquired a lot of jewels.

    i'm stealing that. and then making it happen.

    also, right now? i'm wearing a tee shirt that reads "i heart supermodels" and it has a picture of you and your alt roomies on the front.

    every other day of the week, i wear my "i heart jos" tee.

    xoxo. and ugh! this comment makes me realize how insane my week has been. SORRY!

  5. Love everything in this post - what inspiration!

  6. this is perfection. the whole list. love

  7. I love your picks--and yes, tea, morning, noon, and night, is a necessity in life.

  8. this is fab - caitlin rocks. and i love love love this blogger faves idea, so fun!

  9. Love this. Every little bit. Love Caitlin.

  10. Love, love Closet Visit!

    Nothing get better than seeing into these fabulous woman's wardrobes!

  11. Wow, great list from Caitlin - what amazing photos - the boots and top are incredible! Been looking for boots like that for a year!

  12. beautiful pics!i love caitlin!! she is so sweet.

    that convoy tumblr though....ack! the author leaves no credit for the images! makes my heart hurt for the photographers...

  13. Ooh yes, I completely agree with you - just insanely inspirinG!!!!!



  14. a new blog to be addicted to... fabulous ;)

  15. All of these sweet comments have be blushing - my face now looks like a tomato. This was such a fun post to put together and I feel truly blessed to call Joslyn a dear friend. Thanks for having me here on your lovely blog. xx

  16. ... a bit green over that stack 'o rings and drapey-lilac-blouse/chocolate-boots combo... thank you for spring wardrobe inspiration!
