
Valentines as Art...

All images by Amanda Brooks via I Love Your Style...

I am normally a pretty early riser (likely due to the fact that I go to bed at an embarrassingly early hour), but for the past couple of days (for reasons totally unbeknownst to me) I've been waking up at what can only be described as a freakish time -- otherwise known as 3:30 a.m.

Yep...I am officially 80.

It's actually kind of nice (aside from the fact that I'm exhausted beyond belief by 4:00 in the afternoon), as I have all sorts of alone-time to get stuff done. This morning I read, watched a couple of episodes of 30 Rock, did some writing, and, yes, there was also a bit of time spent perusing the interwebs (ok maybe there was a lot of time spent perusing the interwebs, but I'm not saying for sure).

During what I will now refer to as "Blogfest 2011", I happened upon Amanda Brook's fantastic blog, I Love Your Style, which is a compliment to her book of the same name. And after stumbling upon it, I may have read through her entire archive (again not saying for sure). I was particularly smitten with her post about some of the art in her home, much of it homemade, featuring several large framed homemade valentines...

I love this idea of a big, artful, framed valentine for your sweetie or your kids. So much better than a card that gets tucked away in a box. It has my wheels turning for sure. Right now I'm planning to give the girlies each a little Atsuyo et Akiko "love" totebag with some new markers and art paper + a little candy tucked inside, but now I'm thinking I need to throw a little homemade art into the mix too.

I'm curious, how do you guys celebrate Valentine's Day for your significant other and/or kiddos?


  1. I love the first! Also, love the idea of giving a piece of artwork for valentines day! You ACTUALLY woke up at 3.30am, as in to start your day?! ha.. you do make it sound very pleasant though! xxx


  2. Before we were married, my husband surprised me on V-Day with a home-cooked meal of Pad Thai. (And cooking is so not his thing!) We've done the same thing every Valentine's Day since, and I love the simplicity of it.

    And on the topic of super-sweet handmade valentines, I really liked Jena's at Modish: http://bit.ly/h70ZYt + http://bit.ly/hNJLdg

  3. I fall into the camp of not celebrating it, never have. I think it is for want of better words cheesy and fake and "Hallmark". Maybe it is because I am Australian, it really isn't a big deal here. You see some ads on TV for choclates and some shops also get on the bandwagon, but on the whole it is a non event. What always amazes me about American blogs at this time of the year is the school element, I always thought Valentines was about sweethearts and yet, I read in your blog alone how you are preparing valentines cards/gifts for your girls' school friends. I don't see how this tradition developed, always confused about that part of Valentines in the US or does it happen in other countries, because it doesn't happen here in Sydney.

  4. I'm up at that time feeding N but I go back to sleep! My boys are getting art supplies too! A new pad of drawing paper, a doodling activity book and some modeling beeswax. I so hate Play dough. Huge mess!

    As far as my husband and I celebrate. Sometimes we stay in, sometimes we go out. A small gift is exchanged. Mostly I like to snuggle in bed with a movie after the boys are down for the night.

  5. Holy crap that is an awesome blog......so inspiring. Thank you!


  6. My husband and I like to joke about how we celebrate Valentine's Day. Our first Valentine's Day, we went to see a comedy show--but we were late, and didn't have time to eat dinner, so we ended up buying some snacks at a convenience store, and eating them as fast as we could next to the trash can in front of the theatre.

    So now, we talk about finding a trash can to have dinner for Valentine's Day. It's *very* romantic. :)

  7. Christine -- I thought you might like it ;-)

  8. I am with on the early bedtime... I have been feeling a little sick this week and I have been IN BED at 7:45 the last few nights... to many that is 'early evening'.

    Love 'Marriage is not for Sissies' too good.

  9. Alexis -- yes but you have an excuse! I got nothin ;-)

  10. I got my husband these this year. We love the movie and I feel like it very much fits in with the love theme of Valentine's Day...

  11. We only celebrate if it works out - the first rule is NO PRESSURE. And our traditional celebration is cheap chinese food + something funny on TV + alcohol of choice. It's lovely, when it works out.

    I do send cards to family and friends and I bake for coworkers. My favorite v-day stuff is the friendship part.

  12. You are effing CRAZY. I get up at 6:30-7 and that is all I can handle. Getting up before the sunrise is just not in the cards for me.

  13. So, this morning I woke up at 3:07...by 4:00 I realized there was no going back to sleep & decided to check my email. I read your sweet valentine's post & followed the link to Amanda Brooks' fantastic blog.
    only to discover that today is her LAST ENTRY!!!
    Was looking forward to another great blog to read in the wee hours of the morning.

  14. My husband and I have never celebrated Valentine's, in all the 11 years we've been together. He might have gotten me some chocolates our first Valentine's.... Now that we have a son I am getting ready to start celebrating, though. I loved all the holidays as a child and still use a mug my mom got me for Valentine's day when I was 7 or 8.

  15. I love making homemade valentines with my girls. This morning, the 4 year old told me we should make them with cut-out hearts and humpty dumpty. But it might be a problem because of the "white on white"--so I suggested pink hearts. Problem solved!


  16. Two ways this year:

    1. We're going to see Savion Glover! I bought the tickets, so that's my gift to the husband. And his gift to me: sitting through a 2+ hour tap dance performance without grumbling. Yay!

    2. My 2 year-old and I are going decorate the whole house with valentine craftiness while Daddy is out of town for the night. We're going to make pink macarons for my toddler's little pals, too.

  17. Hubby and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day because he doesn't believe in it. He thinks you should show someone you love him/her everyday of the year. Luckily for me, he does just that.

  18. Just had to comment because I'm reading this at 4:12am after I woke up at 3am and realized at 3:30 that I wasn't going back to sleep. So...a cup of tea and catching up on blogs...
    Valentines day varies around here. We decided after our first year together that restaurants are overcrowded and have horrible service on Valentine's day so usually it's a cozy dinner at home. This year, it's hockey practice. ??

  19. the jury is still out on valentine's day for me. this year we made some lovely handmade cards with googly eyes and had brunch together after the rose bowl flea market. i love the idea of the tote with goodies when elodie gets older though! that is such a sweet one.

    and amanda brook's blog is an amazing celebration of women in all forms. wonderful!
