
Some Scenes From The Weekend...

Snaps of Millie's utter melancholy over the golden pig courtesy of the splendid Lucia...

OK...check the sheer loveliness of lovely cousin erin...and her hair (!!!); it rocks, yes?

We were seriously coveting this random stranger's shirt...after a little courage (and some stalking her through the mall) we asked her about it's origins. Tucker last fall. Sigh.

Audrey and Bryan went on a father/daughter camping trip this weekend, so Millie and I were left to our own devices and managed to have a pretty rockin' go of it.

We had a girlie dinner with lovely cousin Erin + our friends Sara and Ava (and Sara's major trooper of a hubby, Todd) at La Duni where the littles frolicked in the lawn in the crazy lovely spring-esque evening.

Afterward we cruised through the mall a bit where I discovered that Millie is a natural shopper. She would scan racks and lovingly pick out her selections and insist on a "try on" in the dressing room. We had a weekend packed full of fun and when I asked her before bed last night what her favorite part was, without missing a beat, she answered, "buying those beautiful shirts at the mall". (For the record the "beautiful shirts" were two cotton, short sleeve t-shirts from H&M...one white and one light pink, totally embellishment free).

She scares me a little, I'm not gonna lie.

Saturday we had our respective ballet classes (more on my ballet progress later) and then got a lesson in making pie crust from scratch from our buddy Nicole. Yes, I had never made a pie crust from scratch. Shameful, I know. It was a revelation...so easy and satisfying. I am now a homemade pie crust convert. Just thought you should know.

After our culinary adventures, we went out for another great meal, this time at Park with Lucia and Pete and baby Oliver (and lovely cousin Erin who joined in on our antics all weekend) and then a quick jaunt to see an exhibit at Bows and Arrows where we fell into some serious melancholy over "the golden pig" (pictured above). I want that pig...I've coveted it for some time in fact. But when I casually mentioned my desire to Erin, Millie went, well...sort of ballistic (calmly ballistic). She did not want me to have the pig. No matter what. After quizzing her a bit on what was bothering her about the pig, the only explanation she could come up with was that Bows and Arrows was not a "buying store" (not sure where she got that notion, and hope that it didn't somehow put bad juju on Alicia and Adam's genius establishment).

I still want the golden pig. She and I are working through it.

Hope your weekend was fantastic friends!

More living room newness...I am feeling much love for the blue pillows.


  1. Can't wait to hear about your ballet progress. I just bought a pair of tap shoes for the first time in 15 years. I figure by the time I'm seventy, I'll be the next Savion Glover. It's possible ;)

    Oh, and the golden pig is lovely. I give you permission, if that helps.

  2. I have yet to find a pie crust recipe I like. Maybe it's because I don't have anything more than a mini Cuisinart? I don't know but I'm very frustrated with homemade pie crusts right now.

  3. I have yet to make a pie crust from scratch either - I'm a little intimidated. Can't wait to hear about the ballet classes. I took ballet from 3 to 15 and loved it.

    Ok, that Tucker blouse is to die for - the pattern in particular! le sigh....

    Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! Happy Monday! xx

  4. Okay, so we have a thing for pigs here but that pig is fantatstic! I LOVE it! The Tucker blouse is not to bad too. Just lovely!! What a nice weekend...

  5. oh wow I want to have dinner there! looks amazing!

  6. elisa -- we used one of those hand held dough mixers and made a double recipe...no cuisinart.

    it was essentially 3 cups of flour + 1 1/4 cups of spectrum organic vegie shortening + 1 tsp salt + about 13 tbs cold water...

  7. looks like the perfect weekend.... and I am so afraid of pie crust. maybe one day.

  8. The golden pig is pretty magnificent. Hopefully you can win Millie over...although she looks pretty skeptical about it in the photo! ;)

  9. What a wonderful weekend. I love the sailor dress on the little one! thanks for sharing

  10. sigh....I always adore your scenes from a weekend....and this one is no different. Whatever that gorgeous piece of wood is in your living room ( drift wood?) I want, covet and love! :) Where is it from? Hope you are having a lovely start to your week too, hun.

  11. Fantastic your weekend and very nice your all photo's but some photo's very funny of baby. lovely and cute baby and i loved some activities very funny of baby. beautiful your candle light dinner and colorful recipe. very very nice this post

    Romantic Dinner Bruges

  12. Lovely pictures, especially of the cousin and girls, love your pillows too - changing one colour makes all the difference!

  13. I adore your blog - & thank you for helping me to discover erin's apartment 34 as well!

