
Some Scenes From The Weekend...

Some poster newness courtesy of the lovely Alexis (thank you, thank you, thank you!) + a new lamp...operation living room revamp is in full swing friends...

Remember those icicles from last week's "scenes" post? Well I barely do. They feel like some sort of figment, some imaginary happening, as this weekend was all about sunshine and windows down and bare legs (!) in February. What a difference a week makes. Along with the sunshine came an altogether fab weekend, I have to say... The two highlights hands-down were date night with hubby on Saturday at our favorite restaurant and taking my first ballet class with my buddy Sara earlier that day. I've been wanting to take an adult beginner ballet class for over a year and finally summonsed the courage to give it a whirl (taking a class + embracing some fear = tackling two resolutions at once in case you're keeping count). It was hard, but I LOVED it...I'm going to start going every Saturday, as it's conveniently at the same exact time as the girlie's classes. I'm pretty excited about this development. Other weekend happenings of note include: Friday dinner with some of our favorite people of all-time, Lucia and Peter (and sweet Ava and Felicity), finally finishing the girl's class Valentines (an epic accomplishment), some lounging outside in the sunshine and another little CHAKRA shoot... Goodness all around for sure. Hope your weekend was fantastic and your Valentine's Day is full of all sorts of sweetness!


  1. the poster is the bomb!

    and those girlies...shot through the heart every time you share those cute faces!

  2. Ooh! I've wanted to take an adult beginners' ballet course for some time, but have been nervous about starting-- maybe 2011 will be the year!

  3. looks and sounds like a perfect weekend...I especially love that sunshine and the cute outfits you girls are wearing, Happy week!

  4. I have been thinking about an adult beginner's ballet class for a while, but one of the barriers is not knowing what kind of gear a beginning adult needs - did you have to buy ballet shoes and a leotard? Not knowing what to expect scares me but it seems like a great way to exercise without going to the gym.

  5. There's an adult ballet class at my local YMCA that I've wanted to try for years. Maybe this will be the year! Do you just wear yoga type clothes or do you need actual ballet gear? Wearing a leotard at this age might scare me away :)

  6. I did ballet and dance growing up but gave it up after high school. How fun! I'm doing ballroom lessons with the husband next month :) love the weather!

  7. hi ladies!

    for the ballet class I wear cropped yoga pants and a fitted t-shirt or tank + ballet shoes. you definitely need ballet shoes...

    if I had to wear a leotard there's no way I would do it ;-)

  8. What cute little valentines candies!


  9. Ballet, me too! My cousin is a professional ballet dancer and I've always wondered what it would be like...Have fun!

  10. Where did you get the girlies tepee from? Sorry if you have answered this question in the past. :)

  11. hi laura -- the tepee is Great Plains...we got ours from Amazon


  12. the lamp looks a-ma-zing!
    greeting from greece, i am a great fan of your blog.


  13. I simply adore these "scenes from the weekend" posts... I have half a mind, someday, to start something similar... If only I could revamp my life so that weekends were calmer...

  14. Misty -- you should do a weekend scenes post for sure...i have to say, starting this on my blog actually helped me slow down on the weekends...strange, but true.

  15. I'm a long time reader, but this is my first comment. I adore your blog and you are one of a few bloggers that have inspired me to start my own. It's scary for me though - one of the fears I am trying to face this year!

    I took my first ballet class (since age 5) on Sunday! My instructor requires a leotard and I am here to say that it is surprisingly not as scary as it seems. I bought a cute, short-sleeve, v-neck leotard at Capezio. It holds all the jiggly-bits in place and is actually quite flattering. So, ladies, if you have to wear one, do not fear! :)

  16. Amanda -- you have inspired me...maybe a leotard is in my future (distant future ;-)

    congrats on starting your blog!!

  17. I always love interesting shots of your girls, inspiring me to take better pics and angles of my own kids. The flash of yellow-green in the cardy...(Yes in Tahoe it was 70 degrees this weekend...the big melt)

  18. So excited you are trying out the ballet. I went back about 2 years ago when my husband surprised me for our 5th wedding anniversary with a year worth of lessons. I love it even when it scares me (my heart starts racing when we have to dance in groups of four across the floor). But definitely a no to the leotard. I wear a long form-fitting tunic and short at the knee leggings.

  19. The valentine packages were so sweet! You could make them your own for so many different holidays!
