
Some Scenes From The Weekend...

Audrey's instructions for making a proper s'more (just in case you've forgotten)

Holy ice and snow... After four consecutive days of being essentially housebound, rife with cabin fever, attempting to work from home with two nutty girlies underfoot, we made it to the weekend intact. Barely. I don't think I've ever been so happy for Saturday to arrive. We snapped the computers shut and tried to recover a bit from the chaos of the previous few days. Mainly we ate... First we made fireplace s'mores (so much better with cinnamon graham crackers and sea salt laced dark chocolate), then there were the homemade spice cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, and finally I whipped up some (criminally good) brownies. Never fear, we tempered our considerable sugar intake with ample living room dance parties. I also re-thought "Operation Valentine 2011" after I realized my original approach was going to take about 20 minutes per card (Japanese masking tape "bunting" is time consuming) and, between both girls, we had to make 56 cards... I was not digging the math on that one. So, inspired by these genius valentines, I pulled out the red, pink and white paint, some brushes and a stack of paper, and the girlies set to work making a few masterpieces. We picked two favorites, scanned them into the computer and printed out our own little homemade cards. We'll tuck each one into a glassine bag along with a sucker, seal with a little heart shaped sticker, and voilĂ , done and done. How was your weekend? What do you guys do when the weather has you stuck indoors?

p.s. don't forget the lovely Satsuma Press/Earth & Sky necklace giveaway ends tonight!


  1. haha! I am the same...the colder it gets the more I bake....and it's always something sweet. Way too sweet.

    oh well.

  2. sounds like a cozy weekend! those s'mores and brownies look too yummy!

  3. Oh my gosh! That is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I want to introduce my daughter Emma to Audrey so they can share some *Choklet and make *Smors. You have the prettiest family.

  4. hope you're staying cozy pretty lady!

  5. the brownies look delish and it looks like you have mini rothko's in the making.
    when stuck indoors, we play games, watch movies, get the creative juices flowing by cooking or drawing.

  6. I have a great childhood memory of building a snowman one year that it snowed in Dallas. I thought it was the tallest snowman ever. Guess what? I recently found a photo of him and he was teeny! Love your posts on Big D. It sounds a lot cooler now than it was when I was growing up.

  7. ok, that s'mores how-to is the cutest ever. i forgot how adorable kid spelling is! xo

  8. Love the smore instructions! So sweet.

    We had a tradition of impromtu banana split parties during the winter. So it would be cold (okay, SoCal cold) and my mom would get a fire going and then we would all sit in front of the fire and eat these enormous banana splits. So good.

  9. Looks like lovely weekend snippets... I love the Smore instructions. holy cow, that's a TON of valentines... bless your heart. I'm majorly procrastinating ours and we don't have near as many!

  10. I actually quite like those paintings! You may have some future artists in your family!

  11. S'mores and Painting - It doesn't get much better than that! xo Samantha

  12. love the post, but want to comment on the glass bowl with wood frame. I just bought the exact one at my local thrift shop. Where is yours from? I didn't think it was old, but love the shapes so much...had to laugh when I saw it in your vignette of bowls.

  13. Hey everybody! Smores at Joslyn's house!!!

    OK, seriously, those look awesome. Invite me next time. :)

    We had a little blizzard last month ourselves and were totally whacko by day 4. Who knew you could get TIRED of sledding??? Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. :)

  14. This is perhaps the most perfect snowy weekend!! So jealous!!

  15. Mila -- the glass bowl with the wood frame is actually from Crate and Barrel. My in-laws bought it for me for Christmas...it's perfect for salad! How funny that we have the same one!

  16. Those icicles look so beautiful...I'd love a little winter over on my end of the world. xoxo

  17. I like those paintings! And those icicles, amazing! Love your post!
    Brad Fallon

  18. Looks like you weathered the storm in style :) That's pretty much what we do all winter (bake and crafts)...oh yeah and a LOT of TV! ugh...

  19. I live in California so the only time we have to stay in for days is when one or both of my kiddos is sick. They watch movies and do lots of art and I do lots of cleaning and cooking. Not nearly as fun as yours unfortunately.

  20. love the painting project - so sweet!

    thanks for stopping by to check out my guest post :)
