
Loving + A Giveaway!

The gorgeous new pieces from The Vamoose...

and her jaw-dropping stunning inspiration (post found via Jen)

This crazy cute children's book from Bobo Choses (via Smaller).

DwellStudio's new rug perfection (and the styling...always the styling). image via d*s

Dear Darling's lovely calligraphy...the calligraphy I aspire to in my dreams (via 100 layer cake).

Darryl Carter's perfectly restrained and timeless room. I think this room will still look amazing in 20 years...yes? (via Anne)

Lisa Renz's beautiful paintings...

This insanely awesome fireplace (via Martha)

Abbey's genius cookies...

and her seven-feet of wooden spoons. Jealous...

And last but not least, Earth & Sky, Lynn's fantastic collaboration with Stone&Honey...

And Lynn has kindly offered up one of her excellent new necklaces to one of my readers as a giveaway.

Just leave a comment on this post by Monday February 7th at midnight CT telling me what you're loving this week, and I'll draw a winner and announce on next Tuesday's loving list!


  1. I'm loving West Elm sheets this week. A want three sets of them, but I should choose one.

  2. This week I am loving hot pink lips ala JCrew Spring Look Book and snow days (mostly because I am off of work!) Also loving those sweet necklaces!

  3. This week I am loving grey nail polish, snowy car rides to the train with my husband, and long email conversations with my sister.

  4. I am loving this snowy cold day home with my wee one!

  5. I'm loving that you've introduced me to Dear Darling - thank you.

    I'm also loving all the Lustrous Pearls [inspiring women] who are making such a big difference to the lives of others as our pocket of the world faces ongoing battles with the weather.

    If I may be so bold, take a peek here and feel free to add your own Lustrous Pearl....


    Felicity x

  6. This week, I'm loving our false spring (temporary, but no less enjoyable).

  7. ~ Simple, yet delicious meals... like tonight's dinner- http://www.food52.com/

    ~ (one more recipe-)Enjoying the first (& best ;) cinnamon bread I've made for breakfast the past couple of days... http://torriesessions.blogspot.com/2011/01/sugar-spice-everything-nice.html

    ~ The gorgeous sunshine and warm weather that we've been experiencing.

    ~ This postcard set... http://www.etsy.com/listing/65428702/love-is-the-postcard-set

    ~ Dreaming of travel (with the help of lovely images such as these)... http://www.annawilliamsphotography.com/#/P%20O%20R%20T%20F%20O%20L%20I%20O/T%20R%20A%20V%20E%20L/1

    (sorry for the long links!)

  8. What an amazing necklace! This week I am loving everything in Clare Vivier's stylish world, discovered thanks to the fab clutch you packed for alt.

  9. I'm loving LuLu Powers Food to Flowers book. A happy beautiful book to inspire happy and beautiful gatherings.

  10. hey! not entering contest... unless i can, (don't want you accused of nepotism) but i am SERIOUSLY loving that calligraphy you posted. I really need you to learn how to do that, because i have bookmarked it for my own wedding. :)

  11. I am loving:
    long walks in the park with a friend and our dogs in the fog.
    Unexpected packages in the mail.
    This giveaway...are you kidding me...I think my heart stopped beating for a minute...I love x1000 this collaboration!

  12. I'm loving some extra time with my kids, some baking and art projects are in our future with the massive amount of snow outside.

  13. <3 this giveaway, the Earth and Sky motif bringing to mind this poem by Joy Harjo: http://www.hanksville.org/storytellers/joy/poems/Bvalley.html

    <3 tinkering at learning HTML thanks to pugly pixel: http://www.puglypixel.com/2010/11/03/blogger-for-beginners-lesson-2-html/#more-23341

    <3 working on my blog; it's still not "public," but it is so inspiring to think of the internet as a medium through which to gain new friends.

  14. I'm loving - snow, hot chocolate and a cleaning out my closet (and of course this blog and giveaway).... Thanks

  15. Loving my new ombre hi-lites :)

  16. what a beautiful necklace, thanks for the chance!

    i am loving the little green Sweet Pea shoots popping out of the clay pots on my patio...

  17. I'm loving winter white down jackets, cute rubber boots that let you stomp through melted slush, pink cheeks, steaming earl grey cream tea, and fluffy slippers. Why yes, I DO live in Chicago!

  18. I'm loving Starbucks grande skim mistos, Neutrogina Norwgian Formula hand cream, and working on my blog :)


  19. I'm loving the "Chalkboard Tee" for my little niece - wish they made them in my husband's size!!!

  20. I'm loving an apple chai every morning since Christmas - what will I do when I run out of that tea?! I'm loving The Writer's Almanac - http://writersalmanac.publicradio.org/ - and old episodes of Murder, She Wrote.

  21. I'm loving vacation ideas this week! Its -3 today in Denver and all I can think about it heading to the beach in April!

  22. I'm loving the show Traces http://www.youtube.com/pantagestheatre#p/u/7/Qaz6o-KGxgg which made me wish I at least kept up with my yoga practice. It's incredible what these people can do with their bodies! I'm also loving chocolate covered almonds and deep glasses of red wine. (Probably reason #1 that I will never be in said show.)

  23. i'm loving the 'i have always known it was you' textprint from row boat press. i just ordered it for my newly renovated bathroom and i cannot wait for it to arrive in the mail.


  24. loving snowy days, silver nails and the aroma of baked sweet potatoes

  25. I'm loving my amaryllis that seems to grow half an inch a day... The indoor bit of green is hopeful amidst all this Massachusetts snow!

  26. What a great giveaway! Loving afternoon coffee, big cowl neck scarves, and the vase of tulips in my entry. It has been snowing for 4 days straight and I am loving all things that do not equal snow this week.

  27. I adore Stone & Honey. I would buy everything if I could. This week, I am loving bold colors!

  28. I'm loving orange and raspberries fruit salad, hot ginger tea and my camper felt slippers. It's coldcoldcold this week where I live!

  29. i'm loving the ever increasing light at the end of the day...a faithful reminder Spring is near.

  30. Today.. I am loving the fact that altho our weather here in Denver was in the minuses and still has not even reached the projected high for today of 0..at least I am looking out the window at bright sunshine, knowing stew is cooking in the crockpot, no pipes froze or burst,I have heat, electricity and telephone and internet service..
    and by Thursday temps will be back in the normal range of 30-40..
    the felines and I are toasty and snug indoors..
    I am loving being fortunate to have these necessities..
    Yes.. life is GOOD!
    I am LOVING knowing my reservations to Florida have been booked for a month!!♥
    warmest hugs..

  31. oh, i've had my eye on that necklace since i first spotted it...gorgeous!

    this week, i'm loving the bright sun in (usually) grim and grey portland. such a nice surprise in the middle of winter!

  32. I am loving kale this week. That delicious green is helping me be healthy and get through these cold winter nights!

  33. This week I'm loving this beautiful giveaway and hot, fuschia-pink in any form!

  34. This week I am loving planning my housewarming party next month, and mentally spending my birthday money (30 times over!)

  35. In the recent seven days I have been adoring my new apartment with this sunshine leaving golden puddles on our new soft carpet. And most definitely enjoying a wardrobe cleanse, leaving 6 trash bags at the old apartment full of crap. :) woo for no crap!

  36. This week, I'm loving homemade granola and coconut milk hot cocoa!

  37. It's 16 degrees with 40 mph winds in Salt Lake City; this week I'm loving granny soups like split pea and cauliflower. I'm eating a bowl a day for lunch to keep myself toasty.

  38. I'm loving accidental naps in the afternoon! That, and the Hollywood issue J Crew cat. that just arrived in my mailbox.

  39. i'm loving the bursts of creativity that I am getting while in my school studio! thumbs up for productivity. LOVE this necklace, by the way!


  40. I am loving a rare, but snowy Dallas day that allows for working from home!

  41. I'm loving the smell of the "citrus cilantro" reed diffuser I picked up on my lunch break (at Pier 1).

    And this blog.

  42. So inspiring and a lovely giveaway!

    ournavynest (at) gmail (dot) com

  43. I'm loving the doily heart Tshirts on The Artful Parent. So simple and sweet.


    Fingers crossed on the necklace. I'd love to give it to my sis. xo

  44. I am loving the essie watermelon nail polish!

  45. I'm loving watching my puppy discover how much she loves the snow!
    and I love that necklace.

  46. loving coffee and macaroons...
    also loved meeting you at alt.
    and i love that lucia is so lucky to have a friend like you and that obscure connections like that bring people like you and i together.
    and, as always, loving the idea of a trip to dallas this spring...
    too much for the comments section?
    perhaps i should have sent an email...

  47. I am loving the beginnings of Mardi Gras costume-making and how things aren't supposed to match, but still manage to go together.

    The necklace is stunning.


  48. Oh wow, The Vamoose necklaces are gorgeous. And the collaboration is perfection!

  49. This week I'm loving a steaming shower after a cold day in London! xxxxxxx


  50. Loving the random rain, warmer weather, frozen mangoes, succulents, and good times with friends


  51. This week I am loving very long breakfasts, gray and pink colours, looking forward to spring.

  52. This week I am loving these
    Which I bought last year and they have kept me warm in unbearable weather for the two winters now!

  53. This week I am loving very long breakfasts, gray and pink colours, looking forward to spring.

  54. I'm loving great thrift store buys on a tight budget and homemade soup!

  55. I'm loving the winter season. It's -45 outside with windchill (!) but I'm a happy bunny at home, wrapped up in a thick woolly sweater with a hot mug of spiced chai next to me!

    Thank you for a lovely giveaway!

  56. I am loving a period of relative calm before things get really crazy for the rest of the month.

  57. Today, this week, I'm loving the sounds of doves cooing outside my window as light rain hits the sill and fog turns everything the color of my favorite books in the world: Persephone Books! http://www.persephonebooks.co.uk/

    Thanks for giving me the chance to enter!

  58. Loving the roast beef sandwich my husband brought me to eat in bed for lunch because I'm 39 weeks pregnant...

  59. I am loving my sewing machine, its just back from the repair shop and running very well!

  60. I'm loving the warm weather expected tomorrow, though I could do w/o the rain.

  61. I'm loving snow days with my kids watching the snow & baking these delicious cookies!


  62. I am loving a new month and a fresh start ... I'm so ready for February!

  63. I am loving making progress in learning a new instrument!

    And I'm loving that gorgeous lake photograph you posted.

  64. I am loving the warm, mustardy color that my hubbie painted our guest room this week. I now want to move into the guest room. :)

  65. I am loving the still of the city this ice storm has created. I went for a walk outside. Not a sound, not a soul.
    On a more tangible note, I am also loving The Weekender Tote by Death an Texas (DTNX). They have a magnificent store on etsy!

  66. I'm loving the warm-ish San Diego weather, the librarian mug from Kate Spade posted on Making it Lovely this week, and my Paris trip planning!!

  67. I love that necklace!
    Right now Im loving the break in rain and the sunshine! Soak up that vitamin D!!!

  68. I am loving making mini cheesecakes for my husband to take to work. My assistant is a charming 4 year old!

  69. Loving this snowy night with my family. And that we have a snow day tomorrow!

  70. Tonight I am loving homemade chicken noodle soup and hopefully a snow day tomorrow.

  71. Have you been practicing your calligraphy? I'm pretty confident that with about seven more years of practice, I'll be able to address an envelope . . . or at least write my name.

    I'm loving that my business partner is one of my very best friends.

  72. It's hard not to be loving a gorgeous necklace giveaway! Other than that, I'm loving Josie Maran Argan Oil Hair Serum. Brilliance in a bottle.

  73. How exciting! I am loving my fair isle sweater keeping me warm while a cold front blasts Austin, TX.

  74. gorgeous...I love a good feather.

  75. Loving being snowed in with my two kids!

  76. I am loving this headband I just received in the mail from etsy http://www.etsy.com/listing/66900704/le-native-headband and that I'm getting on a plane to explore New Zealand next Friday!

  77. this week i'm loving that my oldest big (little) girl who just turned 5 will start school. oh so excitting!

  78. What a perfect roundup of wonderfulness. This week, I am loving blogging AGAIN.

    I had a crystal necklace when I was ten. I had a portrait taken wherein I'm clutching it. I also have a brushed-out perm and a heavy floral frock on.

    I'd like to try it again, minus the perm. But I can't make any promises about the frock!

  79. this week , im loving champurrado hot choc with my kids
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  80. I have you on my list of favorites. I look at your blog almost every day. Thanks for all your creative posts. I love this necklace. I am a jewelry maker and I adore this special one. I would love to wear this necklace.

  81. I am loving that I only have 10 weeks to go before I get to meet my first baby, a little girl!! Overjoyed, overwhelmed and over the moon in love with being pregnant! Gorgeous necklace!! Hope to win!!

  82. I'm loving Restoration Hardware's new catalog- everything is reproductions of great antiques. It makes my house filled with restored antiques suddenly feel en vogue! (zacademic@gmail.com)

  83. oh my goodness, that balloon print is too cute. what lovely images. the teal water one - wow! and yay for a giveaway! what a great collaboration!

  84. I'm loving spending the morning commute with my husband (hooray for carpooling!)

    And also, chocolate. Always chocolate ;)

  85. This is weird, but I am loving fried eggs.

  86. i'm loving books, the rain, and hot coffee.

  87. I'm loving warm homemade bread with butter and really good conditioner for my winter, dry hair!

  88. where to begin?? the jewelry, the wooden spoons, the fireplace, the letter cookies!! love this post!

  89. i'm loving working at an art museum. my first day was this week.

  90. I'm loving the snow in Dallas, hot chocolate, netflix and a toasty fire!

  91. I am loving my two sweet children and my new nail polish inspired by your lovely Chanel color. It is going to be a good week!

  92. im loving all those things that you are loving!

  93. I'm loving everything from Supermarket (http://supermarkethq.com/browse/everything); especially my new tiny notebook from R&L Goods: http://supermarkethq.com/product/piano-nobile-randl-pocket-notebook-in-grid-print

  94. I am loving my being off from work this week (well, at least from one of my jobs)!

  95. amazing giveaway! thanks for the chance to win!

    this week i'm loving a few days off to do some deep cleaning! i function so much better without clutter!

    have a good week!

  96. your blog is my daily rx. i love it! my favorite e-mail of the day :-) thanks for all the inspiration!

    jen <3

  97. Oh my god. Those necklaces are ahhhmazing! This week I am loving; hot cups of tea, icy cold showers, long-distance phone calls with my family, magazine subscriptions, my boss for getting me a ticket to see the Dalai Lama, my little cat for sitting by my computer as i type away, and last but not least my fiance for handmaking us fresh bread each day. Ooo, and your blog x

  98. I'm loving the rain that's not snow, my baby kicks @ 7 m, and my plans to go to fl this week to see my brother and his family. No 'stuff', but would love a light airy necklace too....

  99. Gorgeous jewelry...really great giveaway:)

  100. I *love* Dwell, and thank you for introducing me to Darryl Carter! I always come to you for new inspirations!

  101. this week I'm loving hot chocolate with homemade whipped cream and cinnamon sprinkled on top!

  102. This week, I am loving black grapes! I cannot get enough of them. :)

  103. I am loving growing my first little baby! When I look around the world now, I see all the things I'll get to show him.

  104. Cuban pork sandwiches and lemonade...says the pregnant lady ;)

  105. Today I am loving the sun (while much of the rest of the nation is in the midst of a giant storm, Pittsburgh is uncharacteristically sunny), Wednesday (my day off), memories of the delicious dinner my husband cooked last night, a snuggly Aussie, and plans to escape tomorrow to a 4-day hockey tournament (Sophie's) in Erie.

  106. Loving the new bloom on my orchid,vanilla bean cupcakes via Healthy Indulgences (http://healthyindulgences.blogspot.com/2009/07/healthy-cake-with-secret-part-2-gluten.html), and that necklace.

  107. I'm loving these freezing winter nights and being able to cuddle up in my (newamamzinglycomfortableheaveninspiredhuge) bed with my (wonderfulsmartfunnysexyhandsome) husband. I look forward to it all day. :)

  108. Succulents, painted nails, and most of all, cozy days inside with my baby boy!

  109. I am loving being able to look outside at the freshly fallen snow while being under lots of blankets!

  110. I am loving having my sick but snuggly seven-year-old Cy home with me today....even though I've had to cancel five appointments. He has the flu and just wants to be a baby and cuddle Mum. (oops...does this make me a bad person?)

  111. Hmmm I am loving my morning coffee and how clean and white Toronto looks today after our mini blizzard. I also love this necklace!

  112. I am loving the beginning stages of wedding planning....

    watching my 10 month old daughter explore and learn....

    the amazingly chocolaty Cafe Monte Real that I just received in the mail...it's perfect for this snowy weather.

    Oh and that necklace ;)

  113. I am loving:
    1) Cuddling up with my fiance and our cat Fitzy, staying safe and sound, while Chicago is covered in a couple feet of snow
    2) Having power again after 12 hours without heat, internet or television
    3) Learning how to crochet
    4) Catching up with all my favorite blogs :)

  114. Pictures of all the a snow far away. Palm trees swaying in the cooler breeze. Good friends.

  115. I am loving my anthropologie comforter on this cold and snowy day.

  116. I am loving the southern California sunshine that we get all winter long! My friends are bearing the snowpocalypse in the midwest and they're so jealous of me. I am so thankful for this so-called "winter" that we get :)

  117. I am loving that my floor is finally finished in my condo. I'm going to get everything set back up tonight and it will feel like home again! Thank you for the chance to win!

  118. I am loving those necklaces...and Southern California sunsets and hyacinths blooming on my bedside table :)

  119. i am loving snow day test kitchen w/ friends! and the prospect of 60 degrees on sunday. :)

  120. Bright pink finger nails in winter! Makes me happy every time I take off my gloves!

  121. i am loving the cold weather! classes have been cancelled, and i've been snuggled up with hot chocolate for three nights in a row :)

  122. This week, I'm loving: this pair of fun heart-printed tights I found at Target! Can't wait to wear them for V-day.


  123. I'm loving how lucky I am to be on the other side of Australia to those devastating floods and cyclones in Queensland.

  124. I am loving all the amazing style/design blogs! I am researching/searching for inspiration for new lighting for our home. It's fun!

  125. I'm loving some surprise downtime with the kiddles, guiltfree lounging, an extra cup of coffee, and searching for the perfect letterpress invite for my mother-in-law's 70th bday soiree.

  126. I am loving the necklace! Seriously! I am also loving planning for a Super Bowl party and that it is giving me the needed kick in the pants to finish unpacking from my early Jan move!

  127. I am loving fish scale tiles: http://cherylandrey.blogspot.com/2011/02/dear-future-bathroom-in-house-we-will.html

  128. I am loving reading the weather report for this weekend in California and planning what I should do in 70 degree weather :)

  129. I am loving nice people. They just make everything better.

  130. I am loving the crazy Texas weather and that I get to keep my littles home with me to make Valentine decorations and an endless supply of hot chocolate.

  131. I am loving being back in touch with an old friend after more than 20 years. Sharing all that we've missed and finding that our bond is even stronger than before.

  132. I'm loving Henry, Myles, the crunch of snow underfoot, and chocolate banana bread.

  133. also loving that calligraphy- if i thought it would be taught like that, i would take a class!

  134. I am love loving ETSY right now. I'm getting married in July and there is endless inspiration on that site!

  135. I am loving the Groundhog's day Postcard I got from a friend who was in Punxatawny ... is that how you spell it?

  136. i'm loving lazy slow mornings...

  137. i'm loving sunshine. and the fact that i get to sleep in tomorrow. sleeeeeeep, blessed sleep.

  138. I'm loving moving into my new apartment with my new husband--and LOVING the first time ever that I get to paint where I live. I may have gone a little crazy with the colors......

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. 'm loving this week because it's the chinese new year! besides getting an ultra long weekend, i was able to meet with the extended family through and through. we bounded over delectable chinese new year goodies like love letters, bak kwa, and more!!


  141. I'm loving Earl Grey tea and brown sugar, recipe boxes and backyard barbecues...in the snow!

  142. I'm loving all the snow, which has given me plenty of time to rest and recoup after my run-in with the flu last week!

  143. I'm loving my big wee fella's first wonderful, grown up and happy week at big school (with a little teariness), my wee wee fella's glorious baby babble, crab crawl and teethy smile, my big fella's courage and amazing strength throughout treatment and the absolutely wonderful joy of moving towards recovery and wellness. I am so very proud of you all- these are the things I am loving this week and always.

  144. I am loving this warm southern California weather and the blankets of flowers popping up around town.

  145. I am loving listening to my two little girls playing with each other. They have made up some imaginary world and roles and they are both just really into it right now. Love their imaginations!

  146. i am loving the new bar we ate at tonight...spicy fava bean salad and israeli couscous. http://www.knoxpublichouse.com/

  147. I am loving Sundays at Lucques. I have had this cookbook for years, and I finally cooked out of it for my husband's birthday. The spareribs and Jessica's favorite lemon tart are so amazing!

  148. I am loving sapphire this week... My grandma left me a ring of hers with 6 sapphires in it and its incredibly stunning. :)

  149. I am loving Amanda Talley's paintings...I would own one if I could afford it! A girl can dream right?!

  150. loving this convertible magnetic necklace http://www.etsy.com/listing/55194226/the-magnet-collection-02

    and huge statement rings. the bigger, the better!

  151. Oh, I'm loving my new herb garden. Can't believe it's taken me this long to plant spearmint. I think it may change my life this summer, with the addition to my afternoon iced tea.

    And those necklaces are bringing back great memories. I was a little obsessed with crystals in high school and wore an amazing moonstone for years. Love the feather detail on these.

  152. These are great to read. And the necklace is super fab.

    My 2-year-old has taken to calling out to get in bed with us at about 5. She falls back to sleep (fortunately!) and then when she wakes up at 630 when the alarms go off, she kisses me and says Hi Mama. Very sweet and I am LOVING it.


  153. This week I'm loving the early Spring we're getting, this video by Toast:


    and the lovely new pieces in the gorgeos Vamoose shop :)

  154. Im loving this amazing sunny weather and oh so excited for valentines day next week! The turquoise necklaces are absolutely lovable ! xoxo

  155. I am loving the wintery weather! I know, it's crazy that even while still dealing with awful ice and freezing rain that I would say this but I really do!
