
Blogger's Favorites -- Laure Joilet

image by Laure Joilet

Happy Friday friends...we're living in a veritable winter wonderland over here. Holy snow. Millie woke up, looked out the window and said, "hey somebody spread frosting all over our yard and trees." And then she giggled.

Serious goodness, that kid.

But enough about the (crazy cool) weather, this is supposed to be a blogger's favorites post, and this week's list is awfully good (but no surprise since it belongs to the lovely and amazing Laure Joilet).

You might say Laure is a bit of a triple threat: she's a extremely talented photographer, a gifted stylist and a fantastic writer + she pens an excellent blog (and, as evident in the final photo on her list, she has a seriously cool grandmother).

Oh and she has, quiet possibly, the prettiest last name of all-time...

So without further ado, herewith Laure's favorites. Enjoy and have a splendid weekend.

Tracy Wilkinson's House that I Shot for At Your Leisure. Her house was one of those houses that you walk into and you love everything. A great mix of earthy, modern, open and light but with a comfort and live-ability that is rare.

Road Trips Out to The Desert. Whether it's Joshua Tree and camping or Palm Springs and staying at the Ace, I love jumping in the car and driving a couple of hours out to the desert. Even if it's just for 24 hours, it totally changes your perspective.

A Studied Mess. There is nothing more beautiful to me than someone's creative work space. It is so intimate and real. It doesn't make sense. It has order, it doesn't have order. It's full or it's empty, and it's endlessly fascinating.

Alaska. Last summer I went to Alaska twice to visit family and had to opportunity to go to a hard to go place. Float planes, the whole thing. We stayed at a lodge in the middle of lake iliamna and it rained every day. We saw bears, we walked on tundra and we saw incredible views of basically untouched wilderness.

The Way that Rocks Look When They're Wet.

Marie's Chocolate Chip Cookies. My aunt Marie bakes these chocolate cookies randomly and it's always a wonderful surprise and a good excuse to go and visit with her.

Plants on The Porch. To welcome you home.

My Insane Cat, Hazel. She is cute and wonderful most of the time and then, sometimes, she gets this look in her eyes and you're not sure what she's going to do.

Fresh Flowers. Whenever I can, I get fresh flowers for the house. I'm excited to have a stove big enough now that I can use the center as a display area.

The View Out the Window of an Airplane. Being on an airplane is the best time to think and reflect. I always get the window seat so I can just stare out and let my thoughts wander.

Fruit Salad with Fresh Herbs. In the summer, a salad made with fresh, ripe peaches and nectarines, sprinkled with a little bit of sugar, a little bit of lemon juice and fresh chopped mint.

My Grandmother's Legacy of Amazing Style. She was a weaver and was married to a modern architect in the 60's. her home was full of her treasures: butterfly chairs, Eames chairs, antique wardrobe, her sister and brother-in law's sculptures. She had a knack for mixing and matching long before eclectic was a look.


  1. Great post! I love Laure's blog!

  2. I agree...wonderful photos and her grandmother had FABULOUS taste!

  3. mmmm...this might be one of my favorites....and I'd love to live in either of those rooms!

  4. a really nice atmosphere...


  5. hazel is gorgeous! suits the name too....mio our little ginger cat gets that look too sometimes & for something so little she can really determine the mood of the room she is in! dayle

  6. Yay - this is gorgeous and I'm happy to add a new blog to my reader. Fabulous! Have a great weekend and thanks to you both!

  7. Beautiful photos. Great post. Thank you for sharing your vision.

  8. i LOVE ABYSINIAN CATS!! i have one (maggie) and i know exactly what she means. one second she is the sweetest, cutest thing and the next second she's doing something just plain awful. she's a blessing and a curse!

  9. Loved meeting her! Off to see more.

  10. Fabulous...just popped in to see her. Love succulents and the desert road and wet rocks...

  11. Great post - I just found her blog about 2 weeks ago through apt therapy and love it.
