
Some Scenes From The Weekend...

pots in the window by my friend (the amazing potter) jonathan cross...
So I think we're finally getting the hang of this "lazy weekend" thing. After several weeks of fewer plans and the abolishment of back-to-back commitments, the thing I had hoped would happen has happened... Our creative juices are flowing. It's amazing what can surface after allowing yourself some empty space to meander in for a while. You feel refreshed, inspired (or at least I do). Sure we did plenty of futzing around (it was a blissful 70 degrees for most of the weekend, so we had to loll around outside a bit), but we also spontaneously made a super deluxe "taco bar" for lunch (when normally weekend lunches are hastily put together sandwiches) complete with flank steak, sauteed onions, fresh cilantro and blue cheese, thrifted with lovely cousin Erin, read, worked on the living room "refresh" and were inspired to eat chocolate chip pancakes for dinner. I also started really thinking through a couple of projects I want to put more time into this year...reasoning through them and planning in a way that wouldn't have been possible during one of our previously typical jam-packed weekends. Now here's the only downside of the new approach -- I'm now getting the Monday blues. Bad. Before, the weekends were so busy that Monday was a bit of a respite...I looked forward to it. But now I'm transported back to junior high, all depressed and melancholy on Sunday night. It's a small price to pay I suppose. Hope your weekend was splendid!

some fruits of our thrifiting...a groovy "candelabra" and an etching from the 1930s...


  1. Yes, we've been on the same track (since the holidays), and am definitely wishing the weekends lasted just a day longer. And I agree in regards to the wonder that downtime does for creativity. For the first time in weeks, I got in the kitchen and baked all day yesterday!
    (after all of the Christmas baking, I didn't see that coming... anytime soon:)

  2. i love the look of your weekend... i dream of lazy weekends again!

  3. loving the "lazy weekends" mantra -- we had one ourselves . . . there is definitely something about not having to look at the clock or rush around! Who knew you could actually "enjoy" your time and activities instead of just rushing from one to the other! Great resolution and love the pics!

  4. Gorgeous photos and memories!
    I love succulents and last week I found the perfect little golden holders for mine.
    Have a happy Monday!

  5. I've been trying to do less in general, not just on the weekends, and it's so incredibly rejuvenating. I'm not a good relaxer but am finally figuring it out! This is kind of a random question, but do you know the name of the succulent in the photo with the candelabra? It's so cute, I need it.

  6. I love those hearts!
    xoxo Mary

  7. 70 degrees and a taco bar!!! I'm headed to your house next weekend ;)

  8. I definitely find I'm much more productive (and creative) if I give myself permission to just be for a while, without worrying about getting enough done. It helps to recharge.

  9. 70 degrees...adds Dallas to list of possible new moving locations. The etching is fantastic.

  10. It's going to sleet/snow/freeze tomorrow. Then freezing temps all week. Don't count on 70 degrees here for a while again.

    I spend almost every single weekend in my studio creating, and Sunday nights are always depressing to me. Hate having to have a day job, love the steady paychecks and health insurance. I live for the weekends.

  11. i know what you mean about the melancholy sundays. isn't it sad!! haha... i feel like i'm too old to have those days, but what can you do?

  12. you have to be the coolest mom ever ~ chocolate chip pancakes for dinner? Awesome!

  13. mel...cool or lazy or just craving chocolat...not sure ;-)

  14. jessica -- i'm so sorry i'm not sure what it's called...but i'll try to do a little research and find out for ya!

  15. Love the melee of pictures. When I worked at newspapers I started to get the blues at around lunchtime Sunday. Now just happens Monday morning. Skiing every weekend helps you're so exhausted you can't think about it...(but there is that washing..)
