
Some Scenes From The Weekend...

After a full week of travel (two planes, two hotel rooms and three different time zones), I arrived home Saturday afternoon sporting a pretty unfortunate head cold. The girlies were feeling pretty cruddy too, which, while sad for them, was convenient for me, as all I really wanted to do after six days away was cuddle in the bed with them and watch movies. So the weekend was pretty much the movie/cuddle-fest, some reading and drawing and the beginnings of "Operation Valentine 2011" -- we try to make homemade ones every year (they're not always pretty, but it's the thought that counts, right?) and between both girls, we're up to 54 (!) classmates, so we have to start early. We're playing with some pen and ink handwritten notes adorned with Japanese masking tape mini-bunting. We'll see how they turn out ;-) Alt was completely fantastic and inspiring this year (more on that later), but boy am I glad to be home! Hope you had a splendid weekend friends.


  1. Your weekend looks just beautiful, we were in bed with an awful cold. I am glad you are back home with your little ones and can't wait to hear about Alt!
    Happy Monday!

  2. Hope you feel better soon. I adore handmade valentines. Because I am not so crafty, we ordered crayon hearts from Etsy this year. Can't wait to see how yours turn out!

  3. So glad you're home safely with your girlies and guy! The V-day cards look adorable!! Feel better soon.

  4. they look lovely. such a great idea.

  5. Love how those Valentines are shaping up!

  6. Joslyn ~ so enjoyed meeting you in person. Only regret, not chatting longer over coffee or something delicious! Next year Alt, or somewhere in between perhaps!

    You are absolutely lovely...and a total fashionista from head-to-toe!

    Feel better soon!


  7. What a sweet project to work on together.

  8. oh dear. that picture of the ballet class is just too much!

  9. Those Valentines are amazing! Your calligraphy is just stellar. Can't wait to see the finished product, my dear!

    Great blog!

    ♥ Kristina, Pretty Shiny Sparkly

  10. I hope you are feeling better. I loved meeting you at Alt. You are so sweet and I look forward to getting to know you better.

  11. i have no idea what is valentine in the us
    hier in france it is the day of love (for adults)
    and nothing for kids !?
    i can't wait seeing the end result


  12. mel and jeanne -- LOVED meeting you ladies too!! and yes, we definitely needed to hang out more ;-( next year for sure!!

    Frederique -- Valentines day is a little crazy in the US. the school kids give each other valentines cards and usually have a little party. you know we love a holiday over here ;-)

  13. You're daughter is too cute! XO


  14. The ballet picture is gorgeous. Your pics of just everyday things are so lovely. Can't wait to hear about Alt.

  15. So loved meeting you! Wish there would have been time to chat more. Next year maybe a coffee or meal with you and Karey? I had to report today {on my blog} that you are even more stylish in person. And yes... cheers to embracing fear this year! xoxo

    ps- love the valentines cards!

  16. Absolutely love the one of your daughter bowing in ballet. sweet.

  17. It was a really lovely weekend...meeting, laughing and talking with so many inspiring woman. After being there, I definitely see that I'm an East coast girl:) Hope you're settled back in nicely, I'm sure your girls were happy to see you especially since they didn't feel well!

  18. your kiddos are SO CUTE. that little ballerina shot? Amazing. I love it!
    you have to let me feature one of them as the Weekly Kiddo some time!!! we would be honored!

  19. oh my goodness. operation valentine sounds dreamy and darling. i love pretty happy tape! it was a joy meeting you joslyn. you are every bit as gorgeous and wonderful as i knew you would be. am so glad to be a new subscriber. xo.

  20. I'm loving those pendants! I feel the need to add one to my collection. Good luck with your valentines! I've forgotten how close the holiday really is!


  21. I think you already know this by now but it was a joy meeting you in person and I feel so lucky that I got to sit down several times to talk to you! Plus, you've got MAD style and I'm stealing some of your outfit ideas - can you keep posting them on here? :)

    These are all lovely things from your weekend - I'm now obsessed with a note on design (so many beautiful things) and I love that you make homemade V Day cards with your girlies (I did the same thing when i was young).

    Hope you have a wonderful week! xx

  22. Is that a coloring book or a book that your little girl is looking at so intently?

  23. Clara it's a taro gomi coloring book. She loves it!
