
Some Looking Back...

I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about my goals/resolutions for the new year.

I’m a resolution gal, I can’t help it... I like the rituals that mark the passing of time. I also like the idea of self-examination (maybe a little too much). So in thinking about what I want 2011 to look like (understanding of course that like most years, despite my trying, it will likely just do its own thing), I thought it would be good to start by checking in on 2010.

I re-read old blog posts fairly frequently, but in the almost four(!) years that I’ve had this blog, I’ve never gone back and read an entire year of posts in order. Suffice to say (especially if you're long winded like me) it takes some time, but I would highly recommend it, as it was incredibly enlightening and therapeutic.

Here are some of the stand-out moments (for me) of the past year:


1. Museums (but then again, for me, a good year always involves copious museum visits)...

2. California with Audrey...and meeting Baby Josie.

3. A french fête...and a cowgirl one too.

4. A "first-time" photo shoot...

5. And "the summer of self-improvement"...

6. Experiencing NYC through Audrey's (totally awe-struck, gobsmacked) eyes...

7. Austin getaways and magical hotels and 10-year anniversaries...

8. Meeting a slew of amazing women at Alt...

9. A blissful week at the beach...

10. Surprise "staycations" for the girlies...

11. And snow...lots of snow. (Or at least lots more than we're accustomed to.)

12. Meyer lemons and strawberries and tomatoes...

13. and teepees...

14. Decorating projects (for other people and for ourselves)...

16. Dark nails and life changing bangs... (More on that later.)

17. And of course, roller coasters with Audrey (on the hottest day of the year).

Now here’s the thing, if you had asked me a couple of weeks ago how 2010 was, I would have likely said, it was “ok”… I might even have said it was “rough”, as for a couple of months there toward the end, well, it was. For lack of a more eloquent turn of phrase, I was getting my butt kicked... a lot.

But after taking the time to go back and look at the year honestly, to pause in gratitude for all the new opportunities and adventures and chances to stretch myself, all of the sudden the butt kicking seemed less dire. I could put it in perspective. The truth is, most of the year's worst moments occured when I wasn't trying hard enough (or trying at all) or when I was focusing on the wrong things or placing too much importance on a not very important situation.

In other words, there was a lesson in the butt kicking. But isn't there always?

Now that I've done my "looking back", in a twist up of my normal "schedule" (see, again with the chill), I'm going to post my 2011 resolutions/goals in two parts on Monday and Tuesday of next week. (I know you're waiting with bated breath.) But what's a blog without a bit of good old fashioned navel gazing, yes? ;-)

Have a splendid weekend friends!!


  1. that no. 9 picture is my absolute favorite! i need more pictures of me with my kids... i can pretty much guarantee that picture will be your daughter's favorite when she grows up...

  2. love this list. i did the same thing recently where I called 2010 a dozy... after a weekend of reflecting I realized that the parts that were a dozy where just life and really it was pretty wonderful, dear and special. I am so looking forward to meeting you at Alt in a couple weeks! have a lovely little weekend with your precious family. ox, Alexis

  3. Alexis -- I CAN'T wait to meet you either!!

  4. Happy New Year, Joslyn!
    I feel very much the same way about 2010 :)
    and I am TOTALLY looking forward to 2011.
    I hope we could meet up this year some time.
    Much love and best wishes to you and your family!

  5. happy, happy weekend.

    love your review. what a great idea to look back through everything.

  6. I love this post! You look-backs happen to be my favorite posts of 2010!

  7. This is a good (and refreshingly un-trite) reminder to keep things in perspective. Can't wait to read your resolutions and goals!

  8. lovely, lovely post joslyn! i've always loved your blog but now it's reached my top 3. looking forward (with bated breath, of course) to reading your resolutions next week.

  9. Such a wonderful look back at your year. Nicely done. I must ask, where did you get your sun hat (as seen on your picture from your week at the beach)? I am on a search for a sun hat for an up coming trip and I have had no luck. Please share...


  10. Such beautiful photos! I especially love the one from the beach, totally adorable! XO


  11. hi elena -- the hat is pretty old...from the Gap about 7 years ago! it's held up well ;-)

    island fairy -- thank you, thank you for the kind words!!

  12. this is lovely and gorgeous and inspiring. your year looked pretty special to me.

  13. This is a beautiful review of last year and I have to agree with everyone the photo of you and Audrey on the beach is beautiful. Heres to a beautiful 2011 and inspiring memories.

  14. A splendid year in review.

    And. This photo is one of my favorites. Beauty.

  15. An amazing year behind us...and an even better one to come - I am sure of it!

  16. 2010 looked pretty fantastic! Here's to an even better 2011.

  17. We have almost that same tepee! Santa brought it this year...

    The beach shot looks heavenly!

    Laura in ludwigsburg, germany

  18. happy new year!

    just seeing your "austin getaways" photo...have your ever stayed at the hotel san jose? one of my absolute favorite hotels..just did a post on it yesterday...

