
Scenes from The Weekend...

So I have to say this whole "laziness" resolution is working out rather swimmingly... We put it into full effect this weekend, and it made for a pretty fantastic (and decidedly mellow) couple of days. Saturday we ran a few quick errands and then I had a meeting with Christine for an exciting new project we're working on (details soon, I promise) but mostly it was hanging out with the girlies, dinner at our place with lovely cousin Erin (panko and pine nut crusted chicken breast topped with a little arugula/grape tomato salad) and a hefty dose of futzing around the house getting ready for my two trips. I flew to Ohio yesterday for work...and then off to Utah for Alt on Wednesday. It's nice to travel, and I'm definitely looking forward to hanging out with all the fantastic ladies at Alt, but it kills me to be away from Bryan and the girlies. Despite the fact that both girls are on a major naughty streak right now (it's bad, I'm telling you), I'm awfully smitten with those two. They are funny little monkeys... Hope your weekend was stellar friends (and that you were sufficiently lazy)!


  1. Panko and pine nut crusted?? Hmmm recipe please?
    Have a great trip!!
    PS - Is it wrong that I take great comfort in the fact that other people's kids are being naughty too?? I didn't think Lila has spoken without a whine in the last month and listening to me just isn't in her repertoire...ugh!!

  2. Agree -- definitely need that panko/pine nut chicken recipe!

  3. sounds like a perfect weekend! hope you are enjoying ohio. it's my home state. there are some fabulous finds there.

  4. Perhaps I could blame you for my lazier-than-expected weekend. It was divine, for sure, but the pile of sewing projects keeps mocking me.

  5. Sweet and naughty at the same time?!....smiles...

  6. I love the shot of the girls embracing! How magical!
