
Scenes from The Weekend A Day Late (aka Millie's Party)

I have to say, Millie's festive little soiree was a pretty great way to spend the first day of 2011.

And, surprisingly, it was a pretty mellow enterprise considering the slew of sugar-fueled littles running amok... We tried to corral things with a few structured games like pin the tail on the uni-donkey (a donkey with a taped on unicorn horn, of course), clothes-pin drop and musical squares (think musical chairs with less potential for injuries).

Then there was the pinata... What it is about watching a bunch of four-year-olds trying to bust open a pinata that's so funny? Oh and it's possible (but I'm not saying for sure) that the pinata may have died at my completely overzealous hand.

Pinata smashing = major satisfaction. Just sayin.

As for the rainbow cake, all told, it turned out ok. It tasted good, and it was pretty, but man that sucker was TALL... So tall that a single slice wouldn't fit on a dessert plate, and I needed vats of frosting to hold it all together. It was pretty insane.

Let's just say we're seriously detoxing from all that sugar.

Hope you guys had a fantastic weekend! So happy to be back in the swing of things.


  1. Joslyn,
    Just like I presumed, the cake and party turned out fantastic! By the way, is it weird that I'm so jealous of Mille's hair??

  2. This is adorable and perfect in (in that not-trying-too-hard-way!). Happy Birthfday, Millie!!!

  3. Gah! Making me want to go to a four year old's birthday party! It's lovely, truly.

  4. All that color looks absolutely fantastic. I want a rainbow-themed birthday party for myself this year!

  5. What a cute little 4-year-old!
    And what a FAB mom she got!
    All so beautifully done ...
    Happy new year!
    / u.

  6. I love Millie's adorable haircut! Millie, you are officially my style icon. Happy birthday! xo.

  7. Such a colourful Birthday, love it! And you are so brave for making that cake, it looks fantastic!

  8. I want a rainbow, unicorn, princess party too!! Looks like a blast and all that bright color is making me happy ;)

  9. so, so pretty! what a fun party!

  10. Oh, I love everything here. I seriously melted when I saw that second image from the top, of the birthday girl in her party dress, tiara and wings gazing lovingly at the goodies in her honor. Happy birthday Millie!

  11. Omg... SO fun and colorful! LOVE! And, yay for you! You made your rainbow cake!!! Looks spectacular! No matter how big it was! :)

    A belated happy birthday to Miss Millie! :)

  12. Okay... had to chime back in to say my 'word verification' was "fiesta"! How perfect is that?!

  13. uncle beefy...oooh yes, that is a perfect word verification. i love it when that happens!

    happy new year friend!

  14. The party looks so great and so colourful, and that cake...wow it's huge!

  15. that is my dream cake. weird, but true. happy #4 millie you beautiful girl!!

  16. ahhhh that cake is insane but i bet she loved it! she is such a cute little princess!

  17. Looks AMAZING!!!! Love, love, love!!!! Beautiful work Joslyn! And what a pretty bday princess!

  18. awesome! my little gal would have been in rainbow party heaven. love all the fun bits of colour. nice work on the cake, you are much more ambitious than i!

  19. The party turned out awesome. But I came here specifically because I came across this and thought you would find it interesting:


  20. is she wearing angel wings? of course, she is!

    And the cake...freakin' awesome high-rise of colorful delight!

    btw, I can't wait to meet you at ALT! You and karey...two of my favorites under one roof. Yep, it's going to be the kick-start to a fabulous 2011!

  21. I've seen images of that cake around the internets and it looked impossible to make. Bravo! I wish this was my birthday party!!

  22. Oh my goodness that cake looks divine! What a beautiful party, it's like Alice in Wonderland!

    I would love for you all to take a peek at my blog, and if you like it, please follow me!


    Much love this season xxx

  23. looks like so much fun! It's beautiful too. Love the cake, I am sure the kiddies were excited!

  24. I am completely inspired to make this cake and I don't even have kiddies yet. Truly fabulous!

  25. wow
    what a coincidence
    January 4, and 4 years old

    plastic ink containers

  26. WOW, now that is a party she will remember. I still remember my 5th birthday party, for family. Large old Spanish ladies, frilly napkins, stew (what?) and lots of talk about social security and the best way to remove a stain from old linen. It makes me laugh now, but she will remember this and laugh b/c it will be such a FABULOUS memory!!!

  27. molly -- thank you!!! sally singer...sigh.

  28. michelle -- i am cracking up...your 5th b-day party sounds brilliant! I might steal that "theme" for next year..."old Spanish ladies".


  29. i signed in as my daughter...opps,

  30. Simply magical! I was thrilled to see this cake... I had planned on making one in Feb for my daughter's birthday using gradients of blue. It turned out lovely!

  31. you create magical parties!! your girls are so lucky to have you as a mommy!

  32. How cute! Her birthday outfit is adorable and that cake is impressive!

  33. That is one amazing cake! Kudos for you for putting it all together. I'm sure in less expert hands that towering pile of cake would have ended up in a mess on the floor! The rest of the elements are beautiful too! Very inspiring.
