
The Resolutions -- Part II

image via By Its Own Design (from a beautiful book that Honora made!)

Alright, time for the next three of my six 2011 Resolutions... Here goes:

#4 -- Get Smart.

I mentioned in my looking back post that most of last year's worst moments occurred when I wasn't trying hard enough (or trying at all)...when I was well, sort of "phoning it in". It's hard friends, I'm not going to lie -- I feel like I spend most of my time doing three differently things at once, all of them shittily. (I know, I know...but it's a good word, yes?)

So part of the "doing less" this year is an attempt to be better at what I am doing, being smarter, more focused. (I love this article via Abbey about not letting all of the little constant distractions {like that ever pinging blackberry} prevent you from doing the really great things.)

I want to be a better listener (because that's when you're really learning), I want to dive into a few things and get really good at them, I want to "specialize" a little more and "generalize" a little less. I also want to make it a priority to read more. I'm rarely happier than when I'm reading, and I read an abysmal number of books last year...

Here are a four specific goals I hope to meet in 2011 to get my learn on:
  • Read 15 books (doesn't seem like a huge number but oh so much bigger than last year's total)
  • Finally Learn how to (really) use my camera and seriously hone my photography skills
  • Learn Photoshop or Illustrator.
  • Become a geography rock star (Every time Audrey asks me where a country is I have to tell her to ask Bryan...sad.)

completely killer bookshelf image via Quiero

#5 -- Practice Gratitude.

I think one of the most genius ideas of 2010 was Chelsea's pact not to complain for a week. So simple and lovely, yet it somehow seemed revolutionary to me. I mean really, do I want to go through life boring people with complaints of how busy/tired/hot (think the entire month of August) I am??

I think, for me, the best way to curb the complaining is to amp-up the gratitude. I want to spend a few minutes of every. single. day. of 2011 pausing in gratitude, reveling in it.

I have a good life. I need to acknowledge that more.

image via my lovely mary ruffle...

#6 -- Court Fear.

So I saved the hardest one for last...

I'm not so much of a risk-taker. I tend to play it safe...almost always. I read this quote on Abby's blog a few months ago, and it's constantly rattling around in my head:

"Any idea that makes us nervous or scared that it won't happen, we know we're onto something"

Usually when an idea makes me nervous or scared I sort of mentally abandon it and go the low-risk route instead. It's sad, (and frankly a little embarrassing to admit) but true. And in the past year, I've met and become friends with several amazing ladies who are risk-takers...they own their own businesses, they jump at new opportunities, they're fearless (or at least they seem fearless, which is important in and of itself). It's inspiring.

I want to court fear more in 2011. And honestly I'm not exactly sure what that means or how to do it, but I'm not scared, so that's something...

Tree Man poster (yes, I am afraid of heights) via the amazing Debbie Carlos...


  1. oh! these are great resolutions! i'm with you on many of these.
    here's a good book that will help cover #4 and #5 - it's a book about living gratefully.

  2. #4 and #5 are big on my list of goals for 2011 as well.

    take a look if you'd like...


    as for #6... well i'm sad to say that i'm not quite ready to take it on...

  3. Thanks for sharing. These are great resolutions. I can relate to what you're saying about filling the calendar, not doing anything 100 percent and playing it safe. The great part is recognizing it! Keep us posted, I'm sure it will be a good year of change....

  4. oh we should have a geography study group as I totally suck at that as well...

  5. Great goals. Have you checked out Nicole's Classes? I'm thinking of taking the leap for one of them in February. Just thought of them when you mentioned the photoshop/illustrator interest.


  6. What a fabulous post - every single word of it. Those are personal goals of mine, too, but I couldn't have stated them nearly as eloquently as you.

  7. I love your resolutions! I think 2011 is going to be a great year!

  8. All wonderful resolutions, Joslyn.

    I am 100% with you on the detriments of multi-tasking. 2010 was the year of doing everything half-assed. My goal is to focus, but the focus could mean some risk. But here we go!

  9. You are off to a great start!
    about the camera and Photoshop goals....the camera one is the most important, to my way of thinking. I took out my camera's manual today and picked one thing to practice and really learn....I have been a professional photog for over 15 yrs, but I need to learn more. And the Photoshop thing...opt for PS elements, a smaller version, and I promise you will never learn it all, or need it all....smiles.

  10. these are so great, joslyn. i am really with you on the fear part! it comes and it goes, but i want it to come less. here's to conquering fear in 2011 (and always)! joanna

  11. I think the most learning comes from asking ourselves how we are showing up to the world-
    And it might prove that there are 15 novels of self that will require all those multitasking skillsets you've been building so that you could handle this knowledge.
    Mastering the gratitude piece is like getting your doctorate- no other lesson allows us to be more in the present moment.
    Wonderful resolutions. x

  12. lovely resolutions/goals. eleanor roosevelt had a good quote something similar about trying to make sure you do one thing every day that scares you. i try to remember that and suck it up when life is overwhelming.

    will miss you and all of the Alt ladies this year! have fun and do something scary for me (but not dangerous)! maybe don't make the bed?


  13. Oh, you are tugging on my heart! I really need to borrow the one about not complaining!!! Especially about the minutiae!!!

  14. ooh these are the first resolutions i've read this year that have actually encouraged me to think about some of my own. thanks for the inspiration!

  15. i think we have some parallels in our processes!


  16. I love how well thought out your resolutions are. You have inspired me to think more seriously about defining some goals for myself this year. Thanks.

  17. Great list. Just think about all the fun you can have...although I immediately feel pressure to get them done right now. But no, in your own time when you feel inspired.

  18. I think #6 is my favorite... I am def into fear these days.

  19. lovely posts... your resolutions are spot on. good luck!

  20. I am off to my art supplies to make a piece of art of that Make It A Habit quote. Just today there was grousing at my house about how cereal bags are jammed into cereal boxesso the lids won't close & that DVDs back into cases immediately after use. All adults are guilty on this one. This behavior we do not need. Thanks for the inspiration to be a little better.

  21. Thanks for sharing - and #4 inspired me completely. I don't usually do resolutions, but this is one I NEED to put into practice.

    Loving your blog, as always!

  22. These goals ring true in a deep way. In the past few years, I have made a huge effort (with a lot of success) to *specialize, not just generalize (quality over quantity), in areas such as cooking, entertaining, photography. But as of late, I've fallen into a trap of wanting to do, as opposed to doing. Filled with inspiration in so many areas, but not taking action. Changing this is a huge goal.

    Like you, I am at my happiness when I am reading. I want to read more... A LOT more. When I stop reading, I somehow forget that this is more than a "want"- it's a NEED. I want to take time every day to read.

    And geography?? DITTO to your comment. :)

  23. these are lovely resolutions, i feel the same on so many levels. i especially like the 'no complaining'. it's funny, sometimes the words 'oh, i'm so busy' or so tired, or whatever, just sort of flow out of my mouth without me realizing. and yet here i am trying to teach the kids not to complain about every little thing! just like any habit, with a little practice i'm sure it will come naturally.
    good luck with the camera, i'll be working there right along with you!!

  24. I was so sweetly surprised to see my photo at the top of this post! Thank you. And right on with the resolutions. I agree with every last one of them. Especially about embracing fear. I always think that when I feel I'm truly scared of something that it only means that I have to do it, you know? Heck I even jumped out of plane this summer to embrace fear, dammit. And it felt good.
