
An Outfit (Deconstructed)...

Ok, so here's the equation for this week's outfit:

skinny black pants I spent most of last fall searching for + an extremely old striped top (proving that striped tops can indeed last forever) + dream shoes + "the" trench coat + a gift from an incredibly lovely friend...

And if feels somehow fitting that this is my first "outfit deconstructed" of the new year, given how many times I've regaled bored you with tales of my longing for the trench coat (here, here, here and here) and the black pants (here and here) and my fondness for the striped shirt (here, here, here, here, here oh and here too).

Hey, I'm nothing if not consistent.

And then there's the necklace, which I have officially dubbed the "nice necklace"... Why, you ask? Well last year I purchased this necklace for myself from Michelle's fab shop. I wore it every day. Literally. (It's a totally wearable necklace, I'm telling you.)

About a month into the love affair with the necklace, Millie was sitting on my lap playing with a little pair of candle wick cutters (as a side note, it's NEVER a good idea to let your three-year-old play with candle wick cutters...just sayin'), and she impulsively reached up and used the cutters to slice through the chain of my all-time favorite necklace.

Apparently she couldn't help herself.

She was crushed, I was crushed, heck even Audrey was crushed, so she tried to "fix" the necklace by tying the two pieces of chain into a big balled up knot, which, well...pretty much jacked it up even more.

Cut to the week after Christmas, and the lovely Michelle is in town visiting family for the holidays. We meet up for a coffee and some girl talk (and here's where I say that Michelle is amazing in person, I am truly smitten), and I recount my necklace mishap, knowing as a fellow mom of a toddler, she'll find it chuckle-worthy. And then yesterday I receive a mysterious package from the lovely Michelle, with a sweet little note, and, wait for it, another necklace.

Seriously, fantastically nice, yes?? I'm telling you, this year, it's shaping up to be a good one friends...

The Details:
  • Trench Coat -- Gryphon via Gilt
  • Striped Top -- Old Navy
  • Pants -- Gap
  • Shoes -- Celine (stalked for six months and then scored at 70% off!)
  • Necklace -- Laura Lombardi via Pretty Mommy


  1. Love the outfit. Wish I had the body for skinny pants. Love, Love, Love the shoes!

  2. crushing over these shoes majorly! love them and so happy for you that you got them on sale! xo, meghan http://witwhimsy.com

  3. I'm so wanting those pants now. I might have to get some of those. Adorable.

    Also, could you tell us where you got the shoes on 70%?? Thanks!


  4. That really is the perfect trench. Great looking outfit!!

  5. I have that same coat in the shorter version, which is perfect because I'm a midget! And now I need those shoes and I can soon be a Joslyn clone...

  6. I love this look. So classic! & those shoes are perfect. xo.

  7. Great outfit! Gosh I need to get into shape. I want a wardrobe like yours!

  8. msred -- i found the shoes on sale at a great shop in Dallas called 4510. they have a killer sale a couple of times a year!

  9. love it joslyn! you look great.

  10. so you're the one that grabbed the gryphon trench i was stalking on gilt? :) it looks great! also, i found pretty mommy from your blog before, and I love Michelle's blog and shop!! once again, great outfit - looove the shoes. thanks for the inspiration, as always

  11. Very cute : ) Those wedges look kind of comfortable too!

  12. Lovely, lovely all around. Can totally relate to that misplaced little kid desire for experimentation. A few wks ago found Little Bug making fingernail marks across the back of my favorite office chair upholstered in the most gorgeous aged brown leather. I got so upset, but I'll never forget the look on her face when she realized how upset I was. So sad. Glad an angel made things right at your house. :)

  13. beautiful! love everything about it. xo joanna

  14. oh yes...striped shirt looks good with anything in my opinion. love it!

  15. My favorite outfit so far! Tres chic.

  16. Those are dream shoes. So pretty and the necklace story is endearing but it did make me laugh!

  17. Awww...who's making who blush now!? Seriously, the necklace was just a huge Thank You for all the amazing inspiration, ideas, and sources you keep putting out there (including Ms Lombardi!) and your outfit looks fantastic!! xoxo

  18. You can never go wrong with a trench coat and heels. I definitely need to find a good pair of skinny black pants. Have a great weekend!

  19. such a pretty outfit, love the necklace especially.

  20. LOVE the pants. Just what I've been searching for. With your headless photo as inspiration, I quickly ordered them at Gap.com -- only to find they are out! Not, back stocked, but out, out, out.

    Still, you look great.

  21. Love your style and that necklace, I just ordered it up. Can't wait!
