
Scenes from The Weekend...

Whew it was a busy one... What is it with this December? I've commiserated with several friends, and we all agree that this year feels somehow more rushed and crazed, or maybe our kiddos are just getting older, resulting in more to do.

Either way, for us, it's been (for lack of a more elegant term) cuckoo, and this weekend was the crescendo of cuckoo with birthday parties and Christmas parties and projects and errands and the like... We're all so fried that the entire family fell asleep on the couch at 8:30 Friday while we were watching "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" (I may have actually fallen asleep at 8:15).

But there's light at the end of the tunnel... just one more week before the girl's much needed winter break and some work vacation and just general laying low and enjoying the holidays. We're counting the days.

Ok now for these photos...I have to share what was (for me) the highlight of the weekend. My friends Sara and Bindu of the utterly fantastic CHAKRA asked me if I would style and shoot their Spring line on Sunday. I have to say, I was a bit of a wreck, given that I've never really done either of those things, but it was a complete and utter blast. The girlies were fantastic and the clothes were gorgeous, so it made my job easy.

So, so fun.

Oh P.S. -- I got bangs...full-on, all-in bangs. I'm still getting used to them, but they're slowly growing on me. Millie on the other hand, well...hates them. The first words out of her mouth after laying eyes on them was, "Why is your hair so crazy?"

Gotta love that kid.


  1. LOVE the bangs, and the shoot looks great too ;)

  2. They look fantastic! And kuddos on the successful styling project--even if things are a bit cuckoo, it doesn't show!

  3. you are rockin' those bangs, lady! i love 'em.

  4. The bangs look great. And the styling lovely. Those dresses are gorgeous.

  5. wow.. you did such a gorgeous job. i love their clothes too. perfect! bangs are so hard to get used to but yours look really cute!

  6. The shots look amazing, Jos. We had a blast too!! Thanks again. You won't be surprised to hear that I picked my faves last night and they are literally the exact same shots you've got above. I think we were separated at birth, friend.

  7. the bangs are cute and well done with the shoot....it looks amazing!

  8. So cute! XO


  9. Why is your hair so crazy? That's a great line. The little ones get away with saying the best stuff. And your bangs look pretty fantastic.

  10. your bangs look great!

    and the shoot looks like fun too.

  11. I'm loving those gold boots and the bangs are definitely excellent.

  12. Love the bangs! Glad you took the leap!

  13. You brave girl both for the styling \ shooting (looks great) and the fringe (well thats what we call bangs here) - lovely a deep and thick,

    My son is very bossy and specific about my hair too. Won't let me wear it up or back.. ...

  14. umm...okay, of course, you look super glam with bangs...and what are those crazy gold galoshes?? LOVE! Lila said the same thing to me when I dyed my hair dark (meaning my natural color)...

  15. The bangs are beautiful.

  16. Love the fringe, very sexy. The shoot looks amazing and looks likes the girls were having a real ball. Well done.

  17. thanks ladies!
    The gold boots were the brainchild of the genius sara...she spray painted some cheapy wellies!

  18. The shoot was absolutely lovely--it just looks like magic. Your new bangs look great too!

  19. The bangs look great. You got the perfect amount. Don't you love how they look with a pony tail? When I came home with bangs (and a professional blow dry) a while ago, I had to pour water on them to make my daughter stop crying. Kids!!!

  20. Love the bangs. Love the bangs. Love the bangs. I'm getting closer to taking the plunge myself with your excellent inspiration.

  21. Looks like the girls are definitely having fun...so nice to be young, no stress! Your bangs look great too!
    Julie xo

  22. Love the bangs - you look gorgeous! Great choice!

  23. love the bangs! you have wanted them for so long and they are totally fab!

  24. Love the bangs but then I'm a bangs kind of girl! I think they instantly make you look younger (and who doesn't want that!)

  25. Love the bangs! We are deliberately keeping things really low key this year - even going out of town for the actual holiday (to Big Sur & SF - yay!) I'm loving it so far, I have to say. Even without kids, things can get crazy this time of year! xoxo

  26. the styling and shooting results look great! and your hair is fabulous. love the bangs.

  27. What lovely pictures of the girls. Love your bangs. Your hair really looks fantastic. I personally would love a great photo of your hair or the inspiration photo for it so I can copy you & show my hair stylist. She keeps giving me wimpy side bangs that just aren't what I want.

  28. You should rock a pair of those gold boots with your crazy beautiful bangs!

  29. The shoot sounds like so much fun and the clothes look so pretty! I love your new look, it suits you well!

  30. Ma called Laura Ingalls bangs lunatic fringe! But she wore them proudly!

  31. the shoot looks adorable and those gold boots are too cute! thanks for stopping by my blog too. ;)

  32. adorable shoot...
    and love the bangs!
